Pros and Cons
I liked the updated songs. I think "I'm going to Like It Here" and "Little Girls" were much catchier. That's not to take anything from the original; I just accept this as a different adaptation.
The music did seem out of place. Two things: this movie would've worked well without the musical numbers.
It seemed embarrassed to be a musical at times. Constantly self-referencing itself.
The changing of the characters names was pointless. I'm not sure why Mia couldn't be Molly, and Stacks couldn't be Warbucks.
Leaving out the foster kids number "You're Fully Dressed without a Smile." Sia singing it offscreen is not the same.
Pepper was underdeveloped. There are a few references to her being the one with the "attitude" but overall she's a good girl like the rest.
We never got to hear Pepper sing.
Cameron Diaz was a miscast as Hannigin, although I think she did a good job with Little Girls.
You're never fully dressed without a smile.