Chloe spin-off??

I would love to see Kristin Ritter as Chloe again. However I always thought she was very out of place; I didn't really care for any of the other characters or her surroundings. The episode were she assumed control of a top selling magazine made me think of a possible continuation with different characters and with Chloe in a similar job. In a Miranda Priestley in Devil Wears Prada esque role and situation but still up to her old tricks and OTT exploits. I think would be more fitting for the character and very good. Does anyone else agree or have a better idea?


I like the idea, but it's unlikely this would work. Apt 23 is dual-POV, focusing on the development of Chloe and June as characters. In essence, Chloe IS the show. If anyone were to get a spin-off, it would be Luther.

All logistics aside, Chloe is generally an unlikeable character. Viewers and fans of the show probably like sitcom characters who are gratuitously bitchy and/or mean, but this wouldn't appeal to the masses (which generally determines ratings/renewals). That's why June is so crucial to the show: a moral compass is completely necessary considering all the other characters are so self-absorbed.

Krysten does a fantastic job bringing life to Chloe and I certainly want to see it happen. With LOGO's renewed interest in playing the unaired episodes, revival is more of a possibility than ever, but I'd like to see this as a summer show (13 episodes) so the writers don't get stale or run out of ideas.

As for a spin-off, you know what would be especially great? Chloe and June in their late 40s as washed-up spinsters like The Golden Girls or The Odd Couple, but in a uniquely Apt 23 way. Could you imagine the chaos and hilarity watching this cast and their antics in another 15-20 years?
