order of episodes

Is it me or are the episodes mixed up on Netflix? (Netherlands)

One moment June gets a new job... then next she is back at the coffeeshop

James talks to June's mother on Skype... which is not explained till many episodes later

etc... etc...

Not that it really matters though... still funny!


yeah i've noticed that too (UK), have no idea what's going on continuity wise


Noticed it too, really confusing


This is the order of episodes from the DVD set I got:

Season 1

1 - Pilot
2 - Daddy's Girl
3 - Mean Girls
4 - Making Rent
5 - The Wedding
6 - The Scarlett Neighbour
7 - Whatever It Takes
8 - It's Just Sex
9 - The Leak
10 - Parent Trap
11 - Shitagi Nashi

Season 2

1 - A Reunion
2 - Love and Monsters
3 - It's a Miracle
4 - Sexy People
5 - Bar Lies
6 - A Weekend In the Hamptons
7 - Paris
8 - Teddy Trouble
9 - Monday June
10 - Dating Games
11 - The D
12 - The Seven Year B-ch
13 - Using People
14 - Ocupado
15 - The Original B-ch

Hope that helps!


It's the same for Netflix in the USA. ABC aired the episodes out of order in TV when it originally aired and Netflix has them in that order as well which is why the continuity is all screwed up.

However, the order listed on the DVD's in the previous post seems to be correct!


Why the hell would they do that??? Makes no sense whatsoever. Makes me think it could have been a factor in the ratings because any watchers during that time were probably super confused. That is just really weird.

~I wish we'd had a laugh but you're just not funny~


So glad someone else has said this! Thought it was just me!


How kind that someone gave the full list. Nice and thank you!


So funny... I just read this thread yesterday as I was wondering if someone had posted about the episodes being in the wrong order on netflix because it had been driving me nuts. Then I go on to netflix today.. and suddenly the episodes are now in the correct order. Kinda spooky.. haha.

I've watched the series over many times (it doesn't take long after all lol) and its weird now to watch them in the correct order. Even though before them being out of order annoyed the heck out of me. It's kinda all shiny and new. ?
