How I knew it was fake...

I caught the repeat airing of this last night and must admit that it had my attention initially. However, once the female scientist "Rebecca" appeared in an interview I knew it had to be fake. How? She was too attractive to be a real oceanography scientist. If she were authentic, she would be the most attractive one in the world. I remained tuned in to see the footage, but once I saw what was the "merperson" I knew it was fake. One it was obviously CG, but the one thing that tipped me off best was that they it was shot with video on a camera phone. True camera phones were around when it was allegedly shot (2005) , but they didn't have video ability.


Yes of course, this stupid stereotype that Attractive women only become models or actors or dancers or something else they presumably need those looks to be successful at. And their certainly never intelligent.

"When the chips are down... these Civilized people... will Eat each Other"


Personally, I have yet to see an attractive female scientist being interviewed on any science show...especially one that looks like a model.

So yea, that female scientist was a dead giveaway for me as well that this was fake.


You wanna know how I knew it was fake? It was about mermaids.



The other clue was the amazing video quality for an old camera phone, it looked more like a camcorder


I knew it was fake the first time it aired because it said so in the previews and descriptions. I wouldn't base anything on the appearances of the scientists; I know a marine biologist who really could be a model if she wanted and she has looked like that since she hit puberty.


More than that. It's the actors unnatural pauses. If you didn't know beforehand, you could totally tell by that. It's very comical.


I've actually met quite a few Marine Biologists when I went to UBC (big Marine Bio program there). Its one of the main careers that attracts a lot of women from all walks of life....but especially privileged ones from well-off families. The girls I remember in particular were sisters who were also blond bombshells who grew up on the beach, and they are now accomplished PHD's. So a cute Marine Biologist shouldn't be the thing that throws you off this show.

What did it for me was how ALL of these "doctors, reporters and experts" were also incredibly good on camera and they delivered their lines with such dramatic timing and without the slightest stumble or stutter at all. That's tough to do and it takes practise to be that polished in an interview, so the odds that every person in this documentary are randomly gifted speakers is a little too unbelievable for me.


I knew it was fake when I saw the fella from District 9 pretending to be a doctor
