Quite Possibly the Worst Movie I've Ever Seen (spoilers)
Throughout this movie, I kept thinking there had to be some kind of a payoff because the behavior and dialogue of the characters was just too stupid and bizarre to be occurring in a literal world. At the very least I was expecting a Fight Club thing, or to learn that Luke Wilson had killed himself and was being tortured in a surreal after life. The biggest twist I could have imagined was that I was actually supposed to buy a world in which people talked and acted as they did in this movie.
Just look how everyone treats Luke Wilson for example. I get that he was kind of a punching bag, but I don't believe that every conversation he engages in is going to conclude with the other party summarizing this about him. Apparently whoever scripted this movie has never heard of subtlety. Or when the truck driver yelled at Samuel Jackson something to the effect of, "You think you can just murder my girlfriend and drive away," I was positive there was no way someone actually could have written those lines with any aspirations of verisimilitude. So I kept watching this movie wondering what the gimmick was, only to learn there was none and this was just a really terribly plotted and written thriller. I suppose Samuel Jackson being hired by the wife was a bit of a swerve, but then why did he go on a mass murdering spree throughout his journey?!?! I almost wonder if the point was to make us thing something deeper was happening and then surprise us by revealing everything was actual, but that's a pretty unimpressive trick in a movie this bad. I cannot say enough awful things about the direction and screenplay.
Samuel L. Jackson was okay for what he was doing at least. Luke Wilson acted about as well as he does in cellphone commercials. The two cops were terrible. Avoid this, or watch it while drinking with friends in the spirit of MST3K.
"Don't unform, you're a great mob. We'll think up something else to get upset about." Moe Sizlack