Too many things didn't make sense
1. The camera purposely panning to show John's spare tire on his car and the broken taillight. The movie would've been the same without it.
2. John going to the hospital with a stranger in a car that clearly had problems. His own keys were within reach.
3. The excessive behavior of the woman in the store where Ritchie tried to use the phone. That scene made no sense.
4. The little girl with the dog, just hanging around in the film for no apparent reason.
5. Latisha's topics of conversation with Joanie with her children in the room.
6. Joanie's verbal abuse of a police officer, and her reason for covering her son's ears. (But the comment about the fat-free cookie was funny)
7. Those huge bowls of macaroni & cheese sitting in front of slightly overweight children.
8. Richie and Tammy's lack of concern after Ritchie kills the trucker. They get back in the car with him? And how exactly did the trucker know it was "them" who killed his woman? I must've missed that.
9. I have a hard time believing Richie is being hired to kill a man, but goes on a wild killing-spree. Surely he didn't think he was going to kill that many people and get away with it, but he never gave any indication that he wanted to be caught.
10. Who gets back in bed with their spouse when they seriously suspect they were trying to have them killed.
The movie was pitifully done, but had potential to be good. It sorta reminded me of The Hitcher (86') in the way a psychotic maniac, going on a murder-spree, and exploits someone with a weak will.