Fight Club?

I have a feeling this will end like Fight Club... If you know what I mean, I won't spoil it so if you've seen it you will know what I mean. Yes I'm aware I broke the first and 2nd rule but it needed to be said.


I got the same feeling...

"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."


My thoughts exactly... I was literally about to create topic stating "poor mans fight club" until I saw someone beat me to the punch


Has anyone here actually read the book, because the fight club angle most people are expecting was part of the book's tact, you started wondering, but that's not the way it turned out in the end.

You should never count out a movie until you've seen it.

"What the hell is a Fuzzy! And why do they make such good Druids?!" - Spoony


i thought the same, not going to keep me from seeing it though. kinda funny how that scenario & the main character is dead/in purgatory are some of the first conclusions people jump to first with alot of thrillers/mysterys today


I think I am the biggest HATER of the films where you find out they were dead the whole time in the end. A couple of films came out all around the same time like 3 years ago & it still makes me ponder if that is the case in movies that seem really crazy, hey there is always the it was all a dream & then they show some a-hole waKING UP! THEN THE CREDITS ROLE! that pisses me off equally!~!!

My Identity's been stolen,I'm waiting for another one


I have a tendency to buy anything Samuel L. Jackson is in, but NEVER COUNT OUT A MOVIE UNTIL YOU'VE SEEN IT? You know how many movies there are? In reality you have to count out and avoid most of them, to get to the good stuff. Read a few reviews, stir in a bit of blind judgement ... know writers and directors by their rep. I will count out any more AVP movies, because they all suck alien eggs. Obviously the producers don't care about the viewers. I'll wait until this is in the five dollar bin like Arena.


it sucked. it's nothing like fight club.

and it doesn't make any sense. if you've seen the movie..ask me and i'll elaborate.

it's just one of those movies that throughout the whole're expecting all these random things to be explained at the end. well, that doesn't come close to happening. either they left a bunch of important stuff out from the book or it never was there to begin with.




soulwaves,maybe you should watch soul survivors or identity,cuz thats closer to what youre talking about.

spectre can

suck it.


lol I thought that immediately after seeing the trailer. I've seen the movie and it isn't at all similar to fight club in that way

It's a truly awful movie, but I won't spoil it for anyone. Just trust me, Samuel L. Jackson is the only saving grace, the only problem is he isn't quite able to save it.


It's funny how people are just now watching Fight Club for the first time because they play it on TV all the time now. 13 year old movie and you're just now talking about it.


For a second I thought it was going to be like Fight Club, or more appropriately High Tension if you know the twist in that, when Luke Wilson was staring into the hole I thought he maybe just snapped. But then too many things happened for it to end like Fight Club, especially with the mistress in the car with them, unless they were going to end it like High Tension where we are watching the movie after the fact and it's all a made up story.


What's more weird? The fact that everyone who starts watching it thinks it's going to end like Fight Club, or the fact that, if it HAD ended like Fight Club, it would've made a whole lot more sense than what we actually got?
