Police thuggery

Now I know the police in the US regularly beat their citizens and get away with it and there is a lot of police brutality, but would the cops really have dragged this seemingly upstanding, middle class white guy from his car and beat him like that??

The guy wasn't even resisting arrest or anything and they just dragged him from the car and beat him to a pulp. WTF?


They thought he murdered their friend.

Pobre de Dios que no sale en revistas, que no es modelo ni artista, o de familia royal...


I don't remember them pulling him out of his car. They beat him down when they found him on the road beating on car windows. And the thought he killed like a dozen people so yeah, I think they give him a few kicks. Shoulda tazed him.

Why, what do cops do when they arrest suspected spree killers where you're from?


Offer them fish n chips and a bj.
