Best scene

Lady Cop "You want your children to leave the room?" Bl?nde suspect "They're fine " Lady Cop " You have a life insurance policy for half a mil on your husband? " Bl?nde suspect "Yes and he on me." Lady Cop " Did you want your husband dead?" Bl?nde suspect (Whispers to 9 year old son and covers his ears while leaving 8 year old daughter ears uncovered. "Listen good you fat ho. If you think I'm going to let you disrespect me or my family, I would just assume slapping your face before you can get your fat ass up from my couch. Get a cookie on your way out." Lady Cop (who actually has a nice build and is far from fat gets a cookie) "I'm curious. Why did you cover your son's ears but not your daughter's?" Bl?nde "I want my son to remember how to talk to a lady and my daughter to know how to defend herself". Lady Cop stands outside the house and nods yes to herself as if acknowledging pretty darn good answer. Back at Office, Lady Cops boss is laughing. Lady Cop "You set me up? You knew I was gonna get my ass handed me?"


Wholly agree. Easily the most clever scene in a very not-so-clever and sub-par movie. It was very uncomfortable (especially the potential undercurrent of race between the two) in a compelling way. Really too bad that writing wasn't saved for a better overall movie.


Most definitely! That scene was epic! 

If we wanna hear you talk, I will shove my arm up your ass and work your mouth like a puppet!
