MovieChat Forums > Meeting Evil (2012) Discussion > What was he doing???????

What was he doing???????

Right before Ritchie show up, the husband was in the backyard with a shovel standing at the edge of the hole. I couldn't figure out what he was trying to do with the shovel handle. It looked like he was trying to hurt himself with the handle by shoving it into his mouth or nose or something. Did anyone get it? What was he doing, and why????????


He wasn't trying to do anything. He was suffering from blockage from all the macaroni and pork chops his wife force feeds her family.


I thought it was a pipe (like a loose gas pipe) that he was trying to breathe in or something.

Maybe as he wasn't a smoker he could have been a smoker before and liked the motion (although that would be dumb and there are a million things to use before a shovel)


Wasn't it obvious. He was having an emotional breakdown at the edge of what was obviously the beginnings of an in ground swimming pool. The brickwork is piled neatly on the opposing side in frame. He pulled himself together as best he could to answer the doorbell but it was easy to see how visibly upset he still was and verbally short when it rang a second time before his answering.

But back on topic the man was fresh from being fired with an impending foreclosure and a wife who refused to grasp these realities. Fairly certain if I had a day like that a good deep breath in the backyard session would be the least helpful thing I do that day.


Completely agree with you. That was my exact take on that scene as well

"Make yourself a drink and I'll be down in two shakes of a lamb's tail."
Mia Wallace
