MovieChat Forums > Gold Rush (2010) Discussion > More Tony dredging = boring show

More Tony dredging = boring show

That whole story line sucked last year. It's so boring. Now we have twice the dredging this season. Also how stupid is the narration when the guy says the dredge is paid off and now all the gold it gets is profit. I guess gas/labor/parts/upkeep/supplies are free now?


The whole economic part of this show is a total joke.
Golden rule for Reality TV: turn off your head and enjoy the BS.


I don't buy that a 70-90 year old dredge is 'the cheapest and most efficient piece of equipment in the Klondike' like Tony repeatedly says.

You just can't tell me that something that old is using machinery and engines that are even remotely comparable to the efficiency of modern engineering and mining standards.

And why on earth would you stick two of them side by side on the same exact mining plot? That doesn't even make sense


If it were the cheapest and most effective way than more people would be doing it but it's just a ruse by the Discovery Channel.
