John Schnabel

Grandpa's Last Wish (2014)
94 year old mining legend John Schnabel; is it me or does he make everyone wish he was their Grandpa? I just love that man! His heart just shines through every time he looks at Parker. Unconditional love. Parker is going to lose it when he passes. Absolutely love him!


Pretty sure it's just you.

Go on Stanley, stick one in Jane Russell & win a goldfish.


Pretty sure it's not, ass.


Im with you, he is the sweetest old dude ever! I love when they have him on the show. I wish he could replace parker's bratty ass.


Parker is getting better with age. He comes from good stock


You think? I don't know about that.


I do, give him five years


I take it you mean second generation Jewish immigrant stock?
"Good" is a matter of opinion.

Go on Stanley, stick one in Jane Russell & win a goldfish.


Well said.


Schnabel is German


That's what I'm thinking. Give him 50 or 60 years and then see what he's like. Who knows what John was like when he was 20?


You have a good point. I think he was a hard worker. Just seeing how he guides Parker with advice affirms to me in my mind "good heart". I could be wrong


I think Grandpa S would be pretty upset to see the kind of turd that Parker has turned into. Parker has no clue about how to work with men.


Not many people liked Thomas Edison either.


Not many people liked Thomas Edison either.

Yeah, Edison was a big time douche. He was the original patent jumper. He'd bring in guys with ideas then he'd take their ideas and patent them. Of course a LOT of great men of history were pretty awful people. George Washington, for example, was reportedly one pretty rotten SOB. In a lot of ways a guy in his position would have to have been to get done what needed to get done.


Right, but im not thinking parker is going to go down as a great man in history for gold mining. Granted, he's young, and there is plenty of time for him to do something great but...


I see him on the streets in 5 years doing Meth or whatever is available in Alaska


LOL! That is, if he's not already.


So your evidence for Washington being "reportedly one pretty rotten SOB," outside of the usual tiresome academics trying to make a career on trumping each other over which one can "demythologize" and "rewrite history" the most, is what?


You can't really think you know someone just by watching them on TV. Behind the cameras he may have been a real SOB.


Oh no girl, i just read john schabel died? RIP, you sweet oldtimer. They just don't make um like that anymore.


Where did you see that? I just googled it and there is nothing


Never mind :'( I found it


Parker is lucky. He comes from good stock and had a great mentor in Grandpa.
He has the desire. He has an enormous work ethic.

Now what he needs to cultivate is patience for his employees.
A modicum of kindness. The wisdom of Grandpa.


@jimcat63 I agree wholeheartedly


He's lucky. You got that one right. Born into money and handed a gold mine to play with. Like all spoiled self-entitled rich brat kids however, he has proven himself to be utterly devoid of humility.

"Oh but look at how hard he works"
Easy when you're the boss. He's the one weighing out the gold, but face facts. He's done nothing, zero, nada to earn it.
Any wealth he has, has either been handed to him, or "earned" off the backs of others who he routinely abuses and treats like crap.

He's a pr 1 ck. An obnoxious spoiled self-entitled rich brat.
A big lesson in humility would go a long way in transforming him into a human being.

Go on Stanley, stick one in Jane Russell & win a goldfish.


You sound like a professional victim

Must be a Democrat with all the wealth envy

Don't really like anybody who's successful im betting

You don't have to stand tall, but you do have to stand up!
