MovieChat Forums > Gold Rush (2010) Discussion > Parker paying up front?

Parker paying up front?

he would be eaten in the real business world, way too cocky


It's a totally contrived dramatic mechanism for TV purposes. "We've GOT to make our goal! I already PAID up front!"


Might be also some gimmick to earn contract for next season.


ALL these shows are SCRIPTED -- I have a friend that worked on That's Incredible, Rescue 911, and now does documentaries for HBO - he can spot the scripted ones, and says now it's nearly ALL of them- many even hire actors to play EMPLOYEES, lol..

My only regret in life is that I'm not someone else - Woody Allen


It was a ridiculous thing to do.

Made no sense at all.


Not to mention that once parker goes over 3,000 ounces, tony is then owed 20% or whatever his cut is of that gold as well.

In the real world it would be a fatal business decision to pay all that up front. Especially so when you have other bills to pay with an uncertain amount of gold that will be found by years end


IF he has no money left from the previous season to pay bills, then he's blowing it on taking strippers to clubs like Alan Iverson did (40k in a night at TGI Fridays, lol, even tho he claims "it was usually just about 9k, but sometimes I guess it rose to 40k"

My only regret in life is that I'm not someone else - Woody Allen


Absolute d 1 ck move.
True to form, cos he's an absolute d 1 ck :)

Go on Stanley, stick one in Jane Russell & win a goldfish.


Unlike everybody here I think it was brilliant.

Tony was forever giving him crap and dissing him for wanting to dig somewhere else on HIS lease

Well Parker was paying 20% to dig anywhere on the lease, Not just where Tony said,which wasn't paying as much as parker wanted< he wanted to dig in Fantasy Land, named by his foreman, so bad enough to take crap from your workers, but also the lease owner?? He goal was 3,000 ounces, Pay Tony his 600. Tony ain't got nothing to say. Put your efforts and $$$ into the area you want, If you don't make 3.000 nobody to blame but you

As I recall he put out over 3,ooo, earned the respect of Tony and his Men, and paid the extra %%% on the overage

Gutsy move that could have backfired but didn't

You don't have to stand tall, but you do have to stand up!


It's all contrived. Parker leased the land from Tony he can really do what he wants. Tony can give suggestions but he can't tell Parker what to do. If Tony doesn't like what Parker is doing he maybe he could kick him off the land and but then he would get nothing? It's a bunch of nonsense like those guys in Oregon putting locks on Todd's wash plant. You can't give someone a lease tell them to come on up and spend thousands of dollars getting equipment and supplies there and then lock them out and demand that you work for them. No way that would fly with any real miners who had signed contracts and were ready to work. This show doesn't deal in real world reality of the business.
