The all girl crew

I am not sure about anyone else but... I don't like the girls on this show. Just because a girl can do it doesn't mean she should. Can't the men have something that women are not trying to prove they are able or better at doing? Let the men go to work! Next we will be seeing women in the NFL pffttr


It's not like they're digging and hauling by hand. There's no reason why a woman can't be as good, or even better than a man at driving construction equipment.


You haven't understood the OP.


I guess not.


Yes, let the men go to work. Put the women back in the kitchen where they belong. While we're at it, let's take away women's right to vote. Their opinions don't matter anyway, right? 

OMG, are you a 90 year old man? WTF?

Maybe poker's just not your game, Ike. I know, let's have a spelling contest.


Is it so hard to imagine that a man wants some space where no woman is around? I am a man and I don't wanna watch girls when I expect a man's show.
This show is staged on a high level and showing us unbelieveable "girl crews" makes it even more ridiculous. Getting into this direction makes me quit watching the show.
Simple as that!


So quit watching. No one is stopping you. =)

Maybe poker's just not your game, Ike. I know, let's have a spelling contest.


You do realize the user who posted this has a account name DementleGirl right? I would assume there's a good chance they are a girl...


I think the 'all-girl' crew is kind of ridiculous.

Of course we haven't seen much of them, have we?
