MovieChat Forums > Gold Rush (2010) Discussion > This show has hit a new low

This show has hit a new low

Just watched Dave 'pushing' a little pile of dirt 5 feet away in a 5 feet 'cliff'

sorry but thats got to be the most laughable set up they used this year

lazy drama writing

Pretty sure they think the audience is dumb af and never worked on cuts to dig gold

All I can say is that show doesnt depict correctly how we work. and the added BS stories they make are ratter unrealistic.


And yet you're still watching.


well I,m not really watching, I'm watching episodes sporadically here and there, a handful each year.


well I,m not really watching, I'm watching episodes sporadically here and there, a handful each year.

its not like i watch this BS religiously

But I have to say its getting more and more ridiculous

jeez people are funny
tell your bad opinion about something that you have not watched and you get accused of being biased since you have not watched

tell your bad opinion about something you watch on tv and people tells you 'but you watch it'

talk about some dumb logic here


This season has been pretty bad. Very boring to me.

I keep watching because ANY WEEK NOW they could find a five pound nugget!

The best aspects of the show is how they get out of jams and the bush fixes they have to make. I really don't care if they reach their "goals".


Well since you have apparently been watching for a while and considering it has been ridiculous for a while now, I'd say complaining now is pretty stupid.


I could not help thinking that dave was being a pussy!

Just because you do 2 pans does not show proof that there is gold or there is not gold in that gold, Just because your pan has gold does not mean you will yeild good results.


zaggyzaggy2, other trolls commenting on you watching a show filled with falsehoods or unbelievable turns of plot or just stupid work modes is just part of the game here on IMDb...

Point out an inconstancy in the show, and others want to know why you still watch it... Keep up the good work, I even wondered what was going on in that scene... Obviously the person commenting watches the show, they are commenting on the show, maybe they believe it is all true, why else would they watch it ?

I watch it every week and sometimes wonder why the Hoffmans and crew aren't all dead or injured or filing for bankruptcy... Doesn't matter, I will still watch the gold flow...

