MovieChat Forums > Gold Rush (2010) Discussion > It's been said before but I have to say ...

It's been said before but I have to say it again...

Todd Hoffman is an idiot

Has everyone forgotten the disaster in the jungle?

Now he wants to abandon the High Bar mine after only a week? He has his excuses in place - he'll blame the brothers who own the mine. They set up a perfect mine for him with state of the art equipment and he still can't do it? Now he wants to mine old dredge tailings? How pathetic.

I'll bet he voted for Trump.

"Oh behold.. ye who do not respect your enemy", Sun Tzu


Hey. They did find 3 ounces of gold, about 3 diamonds, some plastic bags and a shoe!


And I think the shoe was a Bruno Magli.


"Ugly ass shoe" - OJ Simpson


He's some peace of work! Either he keeps getting fooled by a different claim owner every year or he's the worst gold miner in the world! I can't believe Dave and Freddy stick with him! Also I'm pretty sure he smothered dirt on his jumper at the end of the last episode just so it looks like he does some work! If it wasn't so funny watching his "car crash life" I would have stopped watching ages ago.


todd should swear less and pray more.

this man of god should stop cursing -- and pray that he gets rich by doing nothing but make poor decisions.

that's right: he needs a god-damned miracle.


You have written this response on atleast 3 threads ... and nobody has acknowledged it .
Do you think it's the wittiest comment ever and you're just waiting for a huge Payoff ??


Trump has nothing to do with this show which was taped months ago... But Todd Hoffmam ~ who? They should bounce this guy and his crew outta here. Sick & tired of them praying and bad mouthing Parker. Ya think Todd is jealous is a 22 year old boy??? Yupppp! Rock on Parker and keep your family proud.
