MovieChat Forums > Gold Rush (2010) Discussion > Excavator down (title of this week's epi...

Excavator down (title of this week's episode)

Spoiler Alert! 😨 After the first frickin' five minutes of the episode the frickin' excavator was out of the frickin' mud.
Wow, what a drama!
Btw: what happened to the poor worker? Was he fired or buried in the mud or what?
Come on, is that all you have?


The show is on it's last legs.

<“Why, you stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking, Nerf-herder!” — Princess Leia to Han>


Yeah, and that Parker brat talking to a 45-50 years old man like he's a piece of s**t!!!! Young *beep* arrogant prick! No sense of basic decency.. With all the drama when he «only» cleans 100 some ounces.. I think, I'm not sure, but I think I would enjoy giving him my paycheck, and then kicking his ass until you could smell my steel toe caps in his breath. Let him work in a plant with other kids his age for minimum wage...Just a thought.
