Are The Hoffman's Salting Their Riffles For TV?
In the most recent episode, "Excavator Down" when Papa Squeeky and The God Squad do their clean-up the gold in the top riffles looks suspiciously clean and sitting high on top of the concentrates. It doesn't look watered in, dirty, or covered with bits of black sand like you would expect. To me, it looks like clean gold that had been pressed into the riffles for visual effect on television. I mean in this episode the producers needed to show the God Squad getting a clean-up large enough to warrant calling in the rest of the crew, right? So what better way to convey that idea than with the great visual of riffles packed solid with gold. It looked totally set-up to me. And at this point I believe very little in the veracity of ANYTHING that happens in the Hoffman crew story arc. I think what we see with Parker and Tony is FAR more genuine and reality-based than what we see with Todd's crew. I think Parker and Tony are only concerned with making gold whereas Todd (being the show's creator) is interested in making good TV first and making good gold second.