Bryce Dallas Howard Above Matthew McConaughey in IMDB's Stupid Starmeter
No one in the entire world, not even the most demented feminists would think this girl called Bryce Dallas would be a bigger star than McConaughey, and yet in a biographical epic about two men's tremendous journey and rise to power as gold prospectors, the Oscar winning very star of the movie has to take a 2nd place to her name because IMDB's retarded starmeter says so ?..
This total and malevolent lack of justice and morality is the reason American culture is failing so miserably. Every reasonably intelligent human being owes it to humanity to ask himself this question: "What is there to gain by and what could be the real agenda of subverting social perceptions to such an extent that men are essentially reduced to 2nd class status, while women are glorified and pandered to at every opportunity by the establishment"