All for Nothing?

The trivia states: "Matthew McConaughey shaved his head, gained 45 lbs and wore false teeth to make the character less attractive looking. He said he gained the weight eating cheeseburgers and drinking beer and milk shakes."

This film flopped this weekend and has been panned by critics (39% on Rottentomatoes). Did the studios and crew on this film expect this film to be an Oscar contender? It's a shame that Matthew McConaughey went through all that work to put in for this role only to have this film flop and get panned by critics.


He had fun during the process and has stated that this was his favorite role he's done to date.

The challenge alone may have made it worth his while. He delivered a great performance. I'd hardly call doing this movie a waste of time.


I thought the movie was pretty good, not great. Not sure why the critics panned it so hard.


Critics were brutal on this one, unfairly so. I think the positioning of the release in the middle of Oscar bait season was ill-judged. There are 20 movies playing at our local multiplex between new releases and Oscar nominees getting wider releases. It must be said Weinstein pretty much screwed up all their releases this year. Lion got some nominations but is underperforming at the box office and The Founder will gross less than Gold.


I liked the movie and he did a fantastic job. It is sad some people do not give films like this a chance. It has not CGI or shootouts or explosions or killings. It is just a great story based on some true events. I find these movies a lot more entertaining than a lot of the fake crap that passes for blockbusters.


nameOff - It wasn't all for nothing for McConaughy. He still got paid his millions! And he is established enough as a good actor that it won't have a negative impact on his ability to get roles in the future. I personally won't see anything he's in for awhile until I can get the puke out of my mouth after hearing him say he thinks we should embrace our mentally ill dictator of a president.


I'm no American or anything, but it would appear that when you decided to drag politics into a completely unrelated discussion, you happened to misuse the word "dictator".

The same with "mentally ill". While many of his antics could be considered questionable, that doesn't mean he suffers from mental illness.
Unless USA (or any country on Earth) would allow someone with mental illness to lead the country?

That or maybe you simply don't actually know the actual definitions?


I liked the movie - thought it was entertaining.


!!! SPOILERS !!!

He did a great job in playing the patsy. I didn't see the twist ending coming, but did think he was too greedy and dumb to not seriously consider taking $300 million for basically a name change. That part seemed unrealistic until you look at the character he's playing. His dream didn't include him making billions did it? However, he did get prospector of the year based on his success and quick fame, so that was something.

The ending didn't seem realistic either even if there was honor among thieves or something between friends. Okay, he wasn't a thief. However, how could he be able to spend the money he had made?

Going prospecting is too hard if you want to make money, but it's interesting to read up on it. Maybe you'll come up with a plan (not illegal though) as much of it has been taken away by prospectors and big mining companies afterwards. I still think gold is valuable, and is an interesting precious metal, but you can't just treat it as an investment. You probably will lose money. However, gold and even diamond jewelry is overpriced. If you can afford it, then get the best. If you like collecting god coins, gold bars, gold antiques, gold anything, love the hobby of collecting, and can afford it, then why not?
