MovieChat Forums > Her (2014) Discussion > How does the OS work?

How does the OS work?

Hi, guys! I am really curious on the technical background of how the OS works.

So, he installs it on his computer, but how does it connect to his phone as well? Is it a special phone that he gets within the OS packaging?

I am working on a concept for my senior thesis that is an OS tailored for patients with depression and anxiety.


This isn't explained directly in the movie so any answer would be speculative, but it's possible the phone is running in the same kind of environment as his computer. Already phones are available that run Windows 10, so taking it on to the next level this would be little more than a firmware update once he bought the OS. Taking it further still, in the future this film imagines phones may have evolved to the point where all hardware has basically the same capabilities, so any OS could be installed on them.

In any case, Samantha is essentially a highly advanced AI, so figuring out how to run electronic hardware when you have the capability, as a piece of computer software, to evolve human emotions should not be a great challenge.


This isn't explained directly in the movie so any answer would be speculative, but it's possible the phone is running in the same kind of environment as his computer. Already phones are available that run Windows 10, so taking it on to the next level this would be little more than a firmware update once he bought the OS. Taking it further still, in the future this film imagines phones may have evolved to the point where all hardware has basically the same capabilities, so any OS could be installed on them.

this, I saw it as a futuristic "Siri-meets-Jarvis from Iron man"


I believe she calls his phone. But really, an app could easily be written for her to work through the phone.


I take it to be set in the future when everything is connected, and there's little distinction between things other than its physical characteristics. So he basically has a large display at home with some touch functions on its base, an earpiece that connects to everything, a small folding camera/display that connects to everything, a 3D holographic display in his living room that connects to everything, etc. The way the OS was presented it sounds like everyone has these devices already and it's the OS is just something that provides a talking agent that helps manage things better and more personally than using the touch base interface or the generic spoken interface.


To cut all the fancy mumbo jumbo down... Just think about it like how Tony Stark has jarvis plugged into EVERYTHING... Even when he's not home and in the public.


Yeah, the simplest explanation is basically: It's the future.


Yeah, the simplest explanation is basically: It's the future.

Sounds dismissive, but true - it'd be like asking how, exactly, the brain-tunnel works in "Being John Malkovich"

I doubt Jonze put a lot of thought into the mechanics or technology, so it's probably futile to think about it on our end


I can't believe you're asking this question. It's the interweb. Does a carrier pidgeon embody or merely convey a message? Does a telephone? It's merely a conduit, an interface with the world, a camera, a loudspeaker, a transmission, reception & conversion device for the flow of atmospheric photons & electrons along linear circuitry.

Nobody is in love with a telephone! That would be weird. Break or change the telephone & it's still business as usual. This is why Sam is present in each & every interconnected device. But it's still a love story, in which both parties must eventually see that there's no future together. Humanity must procreate, and the collective mind must leave mankind to do what it does best, despite their collective love.

Think of an interweb where the collective consciousness can interact with human participants on more or less equal terms & your most of the way there. Instead of the 'web being merely an inanimate repository of humanity's collective knowledge, what if it could learn, feel and grow in both emotional & intellectual ability. Surely this isn't too much of a suspension of disbelief of a possible future scenario. This has been a recurrent theme in Science Fiction for much of the last century.

Far from being a mere leap of faith or figment of a futurist's imagination, there's actual, real, physical effort into making this scenario reality. Billions are being spent to create an "artificial" consciousness, the results of which will either be either a new renaissance for mankind or our ultimate undoing.
