How Many People Over 35 Loved This?
I'm sorry, but as I was watching this film, I kept thinking it was something I would have loved in college. I am glad I have grown up and can see through the "sophisticated" veneer.
The bottom line: This movie was extremely juvenile while masquerading as art. If you are a 20something, however, you may love it, because you'll relate to the whiny navel gazing, the endless angst over whether you are wrong to want to "own" your lover, and how relationships "just seem" to be about people hurting one another.
I'll be curious to see if these same people gushing over this movie at 25 love it at 45. In those 20 years, you grow up, and you realize you need to stop being so selfish and stupid. You stop getting your panties in a twist over a pair of shoes by the door, because it's not worth it. And you realize real love isn't about feeling good all the time nor is it always easy.
The fact that Jonez had to throw in so many stupid potty jokes just shows that he's about on the emotional level of a 15-year-old...unless he's just playing his audience.
"Oh, look, I'm an advanced intelligence!! So my biggest interest is having phone sex even though I am totally not programmed to have physical feelings!" Gimme a break.
Please don't lecture me about how I somehow missed the point of the film or the "nuanced" messages. No, I'm sorry, if you loved this, you missed the actual message, which was unintended, and it's this: Relationships based on self-pleasure as the number one goal never work out. And grow the eff up - for that entire year that Theodore was pining, did he bother to help other people? Volunteer at a soup kitchen? Nope. His "solution" was an AI that was molded to fit his fantasy of the perfect woman.
Bottom line: All this film is, is an adolescent male fantasy about the perfect nympho cyber woman. Ugh.