No. However, I will always call a spade a spade, and that's exactly what I did in the OP in this thread.
No, you called a fictional, non-human, incorporeal movie character a "slut". That is pretty idiotic, if you think about it.
I used that word in the OP only ~ 1/10000000th of a time as much as the slut A.I. (second) main character in this movie actually engaged in slutty behaviors with hundreds of thousands of strange men (or was it millions? I forget the exact number, but you get the gist of my point) when she already had a boyfriend.
More idiocy. "Samantha" is not a woman and the "people" she was having a relationship with were not necessarily men. There were also women and also other OS's. Eventually, all Samantha's relationships were with OS's since human beings can't keep up with an OS.
So you basically are calling a computer program a "slut" for interfacing with other computer programs. That is totally stupid. Do you call your television a slut for accepting so many different cable channels?
You seem to have deep personal problems, especially with women.
Since you use the term, "slut" are we to assume you are a perfectly faithful spouse who has only had one relationship, with your wife, and never had any desire to have a relationship with any other woman?
Yep, just as I thought. A hypocrite.