Eminem = Billy Hope

Does anyone else feel as if Eminem would've played a good Billy Hope? Jake did a great job, but for some reason I feel like Eminem would've fit that role perfectly. Maybe it's the fact that he's on the soundtrack, but still.


This actually was supposed to star Eminem originally, but he declined and opted to just write for the soundtrack.


I dont think he declined. Eminem started filming and then decided he wanted to concentrate on his music career so the film was put on hold before the part being given to JG.


He didn't start filming, he was busy working on The Marshall Mathers LP 2 at the time and that's why he declined the role, but said he still wanted to somehow be part of the movie, that's why he took care of the soundtrack.


yes they did start filming


Eminem never started filming. He considered doing the movie but his touring schedule interfered.


Glad it was Jake.



Perfect except for the fact he can't act!
