If you gonna do a note for note retelling (or is it a reboot) of the Rocky franchise, at least do enough research where you know the character's names. Rocky's wife was named "Adrian". Rachel McAdams name, i forget which her name was, but it wasn't Adrian.
Yes, the OP has it exactly right. This was a just a Rocky replay... Jeezus, people, the first scene has Billy Hope with his guard down telling his opponent to 'hit me'. Like THAT isn't the biggest clue ever where this movie is coming from.
As soon as it started I recognized it as Rocky 3... heavyweight champ has it all, loses it all to the hungry, powerful up-and-comer...
I even predicted the scene/line that Escobar uses at the post-fight appearance. Something to the effect that 'you ain't never faced a real man' and then he slurs his wife. Hello? Mr. T said almost the exact same thing 30 years ago.
Then you have his promoter telling him 'You don't need this fight." Yeah, Mickey told Rocky the same thing.
Instead of his beloved trainer dying causing him to lose the big showdown, in this movie it's his wife.
In Rocky V we see him broke and living back in his old neighbourhood having lost his money to shady promoters. What do we see here? Billy Hope soon broke and back in his old environment having lost his money. It's implied that his team mismanaged his money but never explicitly spelled out.
Here we have Billy trying to make things right with his kid. Rocky has a similar broken relationship with his son in two of the original Rocky movies.
The final fight was just as unrealistic as any of the Rocky movies. Flurries of blows, a fight down to the final round fight, similar corner dialogue 'He's too strong!" sort of thing, the split decision of Rocky Balboa...
Sure they tweak the formula a bit around the edges and they tone down some of the more bombastic elements of the Rocky movies, but, otherwise yeah, Stallone already went down this path decades ago.
Thank you. You just summed it up perfectly. Every time something Rocky flavoured was happening I paused it and said to my wife (much to her annoyance) "Rocky 3" or "Rocky 5". The whole confrontation scene at the press conference was Rocky 3, right down to that dude goading Billy Hope (Mr T style) about his wife. Plus all you said above, you nailed it.
I was never one to hold grudges. My father held grudges, I'll always hate him for that