MovieChat Forums > Empty (2011) Discussion > Like a porn movie without the porn

Like a porn movie without the porn

The story, acting, directing, even the music reminded me of bad porn movies.

A really bad movie.


It may have been decent with a better director...the acting was actually much better than you think considering the director has no style. That always brings down acting....if it looks cheaply made, so will the acting. He obviously doesn't know how to make a film look more expensive than the cost of the budget. The alarm clock looked to me as if it had power after it went out...kinda wierd. Of wasn't as bad as some are saying but I made a film with no budget and I think the style was better....I paid no one...not even myself. Look it's called Unrest (2006) You can view it on amazon.
If you want to see what can be made for $2000 and lots of time put into the soundtrack and post production. The cost was only for the camera...which I since sold.

Also...near 1 hour 6 min they show the outside of the house and there are lights on, LOL. Another bad thing are the fade outs in the movie....they should have just used dissolves or cuts....they are way too fast and cheap looking.


yeah alarm clock was on

also at the lake she said....

"i can't believe you killed that guy, and then left him to die"


i loved the hotel guy, he was useless, if it had a few more terrible characters like him, it would become a "so bad its good" film


This was just bad. Was that supposed to be a twist at the end?

"i can't believe you killed that guy, and then left him to die"

I agree, so stupid. I don't remember a more stupid movie line ever.


I'm guessing she was supposed to say "stabbed" instead of "killed" but the director was like "fuq it, let's move on" and then he sipped his latte and proclaimed it their best acting yet.


This movie.

I've watched some really terrible movies because the premise sounds good. Usually at the end I'll think "ok sure that was bad acting but the story was good." I can't really say the same for this one. It could have been much better. They should have had a backstory at least. Like maybe talk about gas prices rising even more, or how something similar might have happened in some other country/countries? Idk. Something that wasn't their constant bickering. I was also unclear as to whether he actually had some military training or was it just his dad?

That guy was so annoying, first he talks about how it would be awesome to live in the outdoors away from everything and then he b!tches and moans about the fact that they're stranded in the middle of nowhere. Or when he insists on going to the hotel (instead of free shelter) but then he complains about how expensive everything was (what did he expect?) and how they had to spend so much money. It's like all his dreams come true but he just can't be happy. No wonder she was never gonna say yes to his crappy marriage proposal. Anyone would have jumped at the chance to leave his ass.
