MovieChat Forums > The Playboy Club (2011) Discussion > NBC should not cancel Playboy Club

NBC should not cancel Playboy Club

Look The Playboy Club will never be an Emmy Award winning show or maybe a ratings blockbuster, this show has potential. I like this show alot and also very intrigued with it. I do hate it when NBC or other networks cancel shows because they don't recieve 20 million plus ratings out of the gate. I do think NBC needs to advertise it more. I want NBC to give this show a chance.



I watched the first two episodes just to see how they were and was very surprised how much I was being sucked into the story and it wasn't just beautiful women talking about being rich and special. But of course, I then read online theres a good chance of it getting cancelled. I'm not too surprised, last time this happened was with a little show called Jericho, then before that, Firefly. I need to stop watching TV.



I like the show! The storylines are good. It needs to get some steam behind it. I knew of a few shows that sucked in their first season but better as time went on


Watch Mad Men. It's pretty much the same show, except it doesn't suck.


Yeah this show is going to be killed tomorrow. They didn't show a promo for next week.


I remember a few shows from NBC's past that started off poorly the first season and got better as the seasons went on.

Hill Street Blues
St. Elsewhere

I remember in 1989 Seinfeld was originally called The Seinfeld Chronicles and it was initially canceled by NBC, but in 1990 NBC brought it back this time it was retooled and this time it was just called Seinfeld and by season 2 it started catching on.

Cheers started out not well its first season finishing 86th out of the 112 shows that premiered in 1982 it took them two more seasons for it to be in the top ten.

Same with Hill Street Blues and St Elsewhere

Wings was on NBC for 7 seasons 1990-1997 and never cracked the top 10 or top 15 of shows and is a classic and one of my favorite shows


those shows were critical successes and catered to a demo that advertisers liked

playboy club didnt do either


That was *not* a good sign._____~ I close my eyes lost in a memoryJust like a candle in the wind ~


This show is completely different from Mad Men. Just because its set in the same time period, and they've visited The Playboy Club on that show, doesn't make it the same show. I think both shows need to be watched, before people can compare it based on appearance.


I like the the show too, one of NBC's better shows.

Look at the night sky, where does it end?


I agree. The Playboy Club is a nice show, and it doesn't deserve cancellation. People talk about its bad writing... of course, compared to Mad Men, it's pretty childish, but in that case, so are a lot of shows ; it is less intellectual, but very entertaining, and not only because of Amber Heard in a bunny suit... :)

Amongst all the TV series whose pilot was aired in september, I can think of a a few whose writing is way worse than TPC : Terra Nova must have costed billions of dollars, and it makes TPC look like the brothers Karamazov.

Anyway, sadly there are a lot of chances that NBC is going to cancel it. Since they cancelled Life, I don't expect much from them...


Eh, I like the show, and I see potential in it. I don't get why people who supposedly don't like this show are trolling the boards wishing it would get cancelled. Why spend so much time on a show you don't like? I mean obviously they're watching it every week just to complain about it.

The story is good and I'm a gay man so I'm not saying it just because the girls are hot or whatever because they really don't "do it" for me.

The only thing they really need to change is how stupid they make some of the women on the show in order to drive plots. You don't see any of the men belittling themselves every week. That's my only gripe.


Also, it REEALLLY depresses me *beep* like Whitney and Up All Night can get renewed. I mean, Up All Night is bad but whatever, I at least like the actors/actresses, but Whitney? Might as well curb stomp a kitten.

