MovieChat Forums > The Playboy Club (2011) Discussion > Will viewers turn to 'Pan Am' now?

Will viewers turn to 'Pan Am' now?

Now that "The Playboy Club" is cancelled, will viewers now turn to "Pan Am"?

"Pan Am" was heavily promoted by ABC and is critically acclaimed by the critics!

"Pam Am" is holding it's own on Sunday going up against "NBC Sunday Night Football" and "CSI: Miami."

Despite having a strong premiere and some drop in viewers the week after, "Pan Am" still has decent ratings!

Even if "Pan Am" does go down in ratings, I doubt ABC would just cancel it, they would try to save it first!


Pam am has nothing that's as interesting as Amber Heard
in a bunny suit!


I've been watching both. It's not like you have to choose one over the other.Pan Am has decent ratings, I guess, but it could definitely stabilize the show if it obtained higher ratings. It lost 16% from week 1 -> week 2 in the 18-49 demographic._____~ I close my eyes lost in a memoryJust like a candle in the wind ~



i tried pan am and i could last 30 mins into it. the playboy club is 100% better than pan am.



Was better than, if you are going to correct others grammar use proper grammar yourself tool. And Pan Am will be better after the pilot. I haven't watched the second episode yet but my mom said it was better THAN the pilot.

"I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without know you"-Pocahontas


I didn't like Pan Am personally, at least not the Pilot. I found the overall storyline pretentious, unrealistic, and with some bad acting in there too. Just couldn't get in to/ believe the whole Russian/British spy spin either.

TPC, on the other hand, dealt with more sincere issues of the 1960's, in Chicago. Mobsters were very real in that time and locale and probably 3/4ths of America (except maybe for the South and prairie-Northern states) at least knew someone of someone that was related/ and/or acquainted with a "family" member. The acting in TPC was also top-notch, I'll take the knockout-yet-modest Amber Heard over that plain-but-proud fake French girl on Pan Am any day. In fact the only actress I respected on PA is Kelly Garner; even Christina Ricci does not seem like herself as evidenced by a recent Jeopardy episode. Coca-eyes would be an understatement.

I just enjoyed the Bunnys' storylines much better overall; better character development.. hell even the oft-bitchy "House Mom" just had a sparkle to her that almost no actress of PA currently can compete with. BTW I'm a female, so this has nothing to do with physical attraction or lust. TPC just was easier to follow, with much more likable characters, which is ironic because it IS a bunch of hot young women scantily clad in lingerie, yet their characters were all so 3-dimensional compared to that crapfest that is PA.


The way Pan Am is shot reminds me of Desperate Housewives. It has a prime time soap opera feel to it, and I feel they do nostalgia in a very cheesy way.

I agree, the whole spy or whatever subplot seems so silly. I too think some of the acting is bad and some scenes have made me cringe.

It is a shame that advocacy groups chose to pick on TPC vs PA when both show women in a somewhat negative light. And not on purpose - it actually is pretty accurate with the times. I think the word "Playboy" just makes people uneasy to begin with. I think if people would have stopped comparing this show to Mad Men, they would have been able to see that money was spent on these episodes and there was some decent acting, great musical numbers, and a plot that probably would have played out to something grand overall by the season finale.

This is definitely a show I hope USA Network or FX similar will take on. The sets have been built, the show has promise. Maybe if they can get away with more racy dialog and steamier sex scenes, people will "buy" it. I don't know. At least advocacy groups will STFU since it will be pay cable.


"Pan Am" & "Playboy Club" both have one thing in common. They're both about something that is BORING AS HELL. If George W was still president, he'd FORCE people to watch these shows, because watching these shows is almost as bad as being water boarded.
IF I want your opinion, I'll GIVE it to you.

