Just watched the pilot...

The previews/critics already said this was just a rip off in mad men, which ticked me off bc I love mad men. I still gave it a chance thinking it might be interesting...then I turned it off like 4 minutes into the show. They cast the SAME exact bunny as they did in mad men episode called "hands and knees" when they went to the playboy club.

At first I thought, well the mad men episode may have led to the idea for a tv show of it's own, then I saw her and I was like yep, they did..and everything about the show just felt plagiarized from there on out and I couldn't watch it anymore, just ticked off more.

Did anyone else feel the same?



Only watched one or two episodes of Mad Men and never
saw any Playboy Bunny.


I've never seen Mad Men but I do know if I did watch it I wouldn't turn it off after 4 minutes and come onto the board and bitch about a show I barely invested any time in.

get to know me // http://becoolrelax.tumblr.com/


Well, the show clearly sucked so there you have it.

If I was going to rip off a show, I wouldn't cast the same character in the same role.


Ha ha ha! Hand to God, I watched 5 minutes of the pilot off VOD and bailed. The narration was awful; "The Playboy Club was where any thing could happen to anybody... or any BUNNY." Cringeworthy!

