WES Ramsey Fans

Any Wes Ramsey fans over here? I know there are plenty on Twitter and the show's Facebook page but I haven't seen a lot on IMDB. What did you think of his performance and character on the show?

Adoring Haley Reinhart.


Thank god to find a fellow Wes Ramsey fan on this board . I am still not over him since I saw "Latter Days" 4 years ago .
Even though I had been waiting for this show for months but I did't know that Wes Ramsey is also in it.
3 days back I came to know this incidentally when I was vising another actor 's twitter account (Bret Novak) .
This is a further motivation for me to watch this show .However his role was very less in the pilot and he had not much to do .Anyway I am hoping that this show won't be cancelled and Wes 's role will be increased



Glad to hear from another Wes supporter. Yes, he was brilliant on "Latter Days". I found him to be very interesting on "Charmed" and "Reign of the Gargoyles", but he really is a versatile actor who always makes the most of what he's given. lol. Also, I've always loved the way he speaks. He sounds so sincere. I agree, I hope to see Max's character develop as the show progresses.

Adoring Haley Reinhart.


I was crazy about him in Latter Days, and have only seen him in one other thing since (and the less said about that, the better), so it was momentarily great to see him this. But alas, it isn't long for this world. I hope he gets another series soon.

The Republican Plan: repeal all reform; collect payoffs; go yachting (but not in the Gulf).


You got that prediction right about the show getting cancelled. It's a bummer - I actually like seeing him in a period drama like this. Hope Wes is going to continue doing projects where he can showcase his acting skills even more.

Adoring Haley Reinhart.
My #1 show: Ringer.
