Wrong Network

For this show to succeed it should've been on cable network(HBO, ST) not on national.




Actually NBC stated they would stick with it for the time being.

"The Playboy Club" & "Free Agents" Are Both Dead, But NBC's Greenblatt Won't Pull Them Just Yet" http://bit.ly/oPRNL2

Shows don't get to decide where they're aired. Series get pitched and the networks and cable channels either pick them up or pass on them. Some never see the light of day. most of these series are not paying for themselves because there are too many channels and companies are spending their ad dollars on sure things like "Glee", "American Idol" etc.

A Walmart and Sear can advertise all over the place but they're not the only advertisers and the other advertisers are being very selective where they buy ads.

If I'm not mistaken AMC had a producer quit ot they fired him over the budget cuts that had to be made to his series because of their negotiations over "Mad Men" I don't think AMC would have the money for this series either.

I follow advertising and there just isn't the money out there like there was decades ago. I can remember low rated series getting a full season, now they'll cancel a series that doesn't perform well after only two or three episodes.

I think series that don't have complex story lines seem to fare better these days unfortunately, maybe the majority of the viewing public just like simple series or reality show, I don't but I know a lot of people who watch "American Idol" and now "X Factor' and those other competition reality series.

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



They had a different President back then, I believe the guy running things now came from the cable industry. Back in the 80s, The president of NBC did the same thing he gave series a chance to find their legs if he hadn't series like "Hill Street Blues", and "St. Elsewhere" would have been canceled after their first seasons.

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



Looked him up he took over in January which means he's the guy who kept the event on despite it's terrible ratings and then canceled the show with a massive cliffhanger.

He gave it a full season, FOX canceled a series last season with a high profile cast after three or four episodes.

He can only do so much, series get canceled if they can't pull their weight it's the entertainment business, what are they suppose to do? keep something that is not making money? if you have or own a business would you keep something that wasn't making money?

I know of many series that get canceled with cliff hangers too many to list, but it's a business and the network can only do so much, they can move a series around but they can only move it to a slot where there is a series that either got canceled or can be moved and will br able to keep and gain an audience.

As you stated he came on in January, he's not the person who decided to put "The Event" on the network, and if I'm not mistaken the people who own both NBC and SyFy even put the premiere episode on SyFy to help it get an audience and it didn't help, they also promoted the series on it's other cable channels and it still couldn't get a big enough audience to pay for itself.

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



No offense, but I'm not seeing anything in there to make me believe he's going to keep playboy on despite it's terrible ratings. That interview could have just been spin to try and build viewer confidence. Anyway, let's just see how the new episode scores when the ratings come out. People are already saying it's probably already over because they didn't put a promo for episode four on last night, so perhaps the network is already planning on pulling it if the ratings drop even further.

Why would I offended, I don't care if any series gets canceled even if I like it, it's a business. They need to make money.

Besides you're assuming it's PR stunt, when a series gets canceled they just cancel it they don't come out say they're going to give it a chance. Please find me a network or cable executive who came out and stated they would give a series a chance to find it's legs and then cancel it the following week.

That would be a stupid business decision, it would stop creative talent from pitching their series to that network. if you're honestly going to say "Mad Men" is original it's not, you can look at any series or film from the 60s and see those same elements in "Mad Men' I believe the reason Robert Morse was cast in the series was because of his acting ability but because of some of his early work in the 60s specifically his work in the film "How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying" which was about the advertising business in the 60s.

"Mad Men" isn't any more original, and Don Draper is like many characters in films from the 60s, "Mad Men" is popular with a lot more people who weren't around in the 60s. I also see similarities in "Mad Men" and the film "The Apartment" most of the men in that film act exactly like the men on "Mad Men", as a matter of fact the first time I saw "Mad Men" both those films came to mind. Fred MacMurray's character in The Apartment" is similar to Roger Sterling.

Most shows get canceled without any press release. With bad ratings the writing is usually on the wall. If "Mad Men" were on NBC or any other over the air network it would have been canceled as well, it doesn't get the type of ratings that would keep it on an over the air network where series that demand high dollar for advertising get rating shares above 6 to high double digits above 10.

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



Don't know why you're going on about Draper

I'm not going on about Don Draper, I brought up "Mad Men" which is not anymore original, and I brought up the fact of who the men in both series were based on as well as bringing up Robert Morse who was in a very successful film based a very successful musical about Madison Avenue and Wall Street in the 60s. the characters from the musical and film are just like the characters on both series.

As I stated if "Mad Men" were on NBC the same thing would be taking place "Mad Men" gets worse ratings than "the Playboy Club".

"Mad Men" ratings by the season:
July 19 – October 18, 2007 0.90
July 27 – October 26, 2008 2.00
August 16 – November 8, 2009 2.80
July 25 – October 17, 2010 2.92

"The Playboy Club" rating for the episodes that have aired:
"Pilot" September 19, 2011 (2011-09-19) 1.6/4 5.02
:The Scarlet Bunny" September 26, 2011 (2011-09-26) 1.3/4 3.97

If "Mad Men" were on a network it would have been axed after a few episodes, "The Playboy Club" almost 6 times the viewers with it's premiere episode, and it's second episode did better than every season of "Mad Men".

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



He's not talking about what would happen if Mad Men was on NBC with the same ratings it's getting on AMC, he's saying playboy was doomed to fail because IT should have been on like HBO or ST, and I agree with him.

Again, that would be another assumption on both your parts, there is no guarantee it would not get canceled on a cable or premium channel.

"Rubicon", "Camelot", and "Damages" were all canceled by their respective cable channels. "Damages" moved to a satellite outlet.

You and the OP have absolutely no proof to back up your argument that it would stay on the air if it were on a cable or premium cable channel.

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



He clearly stated on September 30 he would give it a chance, he didn't nor did I say he would give it a full season. he stated he would give it a "Chance" it's rating went down continually instead of growing.

As for Playboy, the series was expected to get the axe last week after its low-rated premiere was followed by a Week 2 decline, but Greenblatt gave the 1960s drama another shot. Unfortunately, the series dropped again last night to a 1.2 demo rating despite its lead-in actually improving a bit.

As I clearly stated he gave it a chance, and I clearly stated it's the entertainment business shows get canceled.

He didn't say he was going to give it a full season,

They're also not replacing it with a scripted drama, NBC is a hurting network and they've decided to go with a reality series, which cheaper to make.

Please find where I stated it would get a full season, I clearly stated Mr. Greenblatt would give it a chance, and he did. it's business it wasn't paying for itself, and it would most likely have been canceled on any other network or cable outlet since they decided to go with lead actors who are fairly established in Hollywood, unlike a series like "Mad Men" which went with actors that were basically unknowns in Hollywood before that series began.

There are no guarantees in the entertainment business.

The show wasn’t helped by conservative group the Parents Television Council vehemently protesting the show which they vowed to do if it moved to a "Commercial" cable outlet, they went after their advertisers, and the show as I stated could not pay for itself.

The PTC will go after this series if it moves to a cable channel they don't like the series because they claim it sexualizes women. If I'm not mistaken this same group didn't like the Playboy Bunny episode on "Mad Men" either.

If the Amber Heard's film she made with Johnny Depp does well I wouldn't be surprised if the series were to comes back. Seeing as how she's his female lead in that film and it's been getting heavy promotion so time will tell.

There were also former Playboy Bunnies who stated they hoped the series would be canceled which is odd.

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson




Yes, and I still stand by my statement the president gave it a "CHANCE" to "IMPROVE" it's ratings it didn't.

Where did I or even Mr. Greenblatt state it was going to be given a full season run. A "CHANCE" means just that a "CHANCE" it was given one.

I also clearly stated find me president who had stated this, which would mean in the past tense. the series was just canceled "TODAY", and up until the time of that post it hadn't been officially canceled.

You didn't now did you? Look at the time of my post it was before they made their announcement, and you didn't find any other "PAST" presidents of a network who stated something the week before now did you.

Based on the time as you quoted, my statement at the time when it was posted was valid.

As i stated they still have un-aired episodes, if Ms. heard gets a lot of buzz from "The Rum Diary" don't be surprised if NBC tries to capitalize on it by bringing the series back.

Their problem is the PTC, which was effective in going after their advertisers, and they're prepared to follow the series wherever it pops up commercially.

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



How am I shuffling he didn't find one in the past, he found the first one to make such a statement today, and it happened to be the same person, look at the time stamps of the post.

I don't see where anyone found a past president who made such a statement and I'm still standing by what i stated. No president until "NOW" has made such a statement it's suicide. No one is going to believe someone who tells them we'll give your show a chance, because they would look like a liar.

I'm pretty sure the series wasn't canceled until this morning, and the statement was made before the announcement now wasn't it?

As I stated find a president that had made such a statement, I clearly wrote the post before has stated they wouldn't cancel a series, and then cancel it.

They just cancel them without any announcement saying they won't much like "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" seems I remember you were suppose to put me on ignore was that a lie?, I guess some posters say they'll do something and then turn around and do something else.

I don't seem to recall the president of FOX saying they were going to give any of Whedon's series a chance and then cancel them, if I'm not mistaken FOX canceled both his series, and burned off the episodes. I don't recall FOX making such a statement, and i haven't been able to find any other network that has made such statements until today.

Even when "Jericho" was brought back CBS didn't sya they would give it a chance they canceled it, a writing campaign was started they brought it back and then canceled it again.

I wonder if Whedon will pitch another series to FOX?, and would he have pitched his last series if FOX had stated they stated it would give "Firefly" a chance and then cancel the series?

I looked and the network had not announced it was canceling the series when I wrote my post, and in "the past tense" in which it was written I still haven't found a network exec who would make such a statement that may keep potential creators d=from approaching their network.

Why would you or anyone else tell someone they're going to do something and then do the opposite, wouldn't that make you and them come off as being people who couldn't be believed on anything?

If I stated I was going to ignore someone i would follow through and not lie.

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson




Excerpted from "NBC Won't Cancel The Playboy Club Or Free Agents Just Yet"

Apparently, the choice to leave the shows on the air for at least a little while longer is about more than just giving the shows more time to grow an audience.

Word is that Greenblatt wants to send a message to the creative community that he will give their shows on NBC every possible chance to succeed. (And those are not even shows he had developed.)

It’s fair to consider that NBC might not want to be a network known to be quick to hit the cancel-button if their series aren’t ratings-winners right out of the gate. I’d be curious to know if sending this message is an effort to help NBC stack up against the other major networks, or if network TV is now being considered less of a prize when compared to cable television.

Ratings are usually much lower on cable TV, however, at least with cable, there’s more of a chance of getting a full season of a show on the air. Given the choice between network TV and cable, some writers might aim for cable, knowing that even if their show never becomes the mega-hit it might have been on network TV, it stands a better chance of at least making it through a full season.

Excerpted from "NBC Won't Cancel The Playboy Club Or Free Agents Just Yet" http://bit.ly/pbDHRQ

I'm still waiting for you and anyone else to find a network executive at the time I posted my comment, up until this NBC made their announcement no one would do that an alienate writers by telling them one thing and doing another.

If they can't get writers to trust them writers won't pitch them ideas in the future now will they?

Because they would look like liars, and you know more about that than I do.

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



I don't need to dance, I'm having a conversation with a liar.

I believe since you nor anyone else was able to find a network executive who would lie before I made my post speaks volumes.

I don't debate with liars. - Evo Morales



After the fact! not before, that's like saying gravity didn't exist until Issac Newton. It always existed, and no network eexctuive until now has done so now have they find me one at the "time" I made my post. you can't. Not after the post was made, again you can't can you?

NBC not keeping it's word has made it to Advertising Age. The magazine that all advertisers use as a standard to following networks and cable channels that sale advertising.

NBC Shuts Down 'The Playboy Club'
Declining Audiences Set Back NBC's Bid for Revival

NBC has axed "The Playboy Club," making the hourlong drama the first cancellation of the new fall season and a setback to the network's attempt to reclaim past glory.

The series, set in the 1960s with an eye toward "Mad Men" polish, had received criticism from Gloria Steinem and the Parents Television Council. It probably could have overcome those knocks if the viewers were there, but they weren't -- at least not in big enough numbers.

"Playboy Club" audiences had declined over its three showings to just 3.4 million viewers last night. Last night's CBS's "Hawaii Five-0," by comparison, drew 10.9 million total viewers. Over on Fox, "Terra Nova" got 8.3 million viewers and the return of "House" got 9.8 million.

Starting Oct. 31, NBC will fill the 10 p.m. Monday hour that had belonged to "Playboy" with its new prime-time news magazine "Rock Center with Brian Williams." NBC said Tuesday it was ordering full seasons of new comedies "Up All Night" and "Whitney."

There is reason a network executives never do this kind of thing the fall out that happens afterward.

No one is going to believe anything NBC says in the future. as part of the head line reads "Set Back NBC's Bid for Revival"

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson


After the fact! not before, that's like saying gravity didn't exist until Issac Newton. It always existed, and no network eexctuive until now has done so now have they find me one at the "time" I made my post. you can't. Not after the post was made, again you can't can you?

NBC not keeping it's word has made it to Advertising Age. The magazine that all advertisers use as a standard to following networks and cable channels that sale advertising.

NBC Shuts Down 'The Playboy Club'
Declining Audiences Set Back NBC's Bid for Revival http://bit.ly/pcqLf4

NBC has axed "The Playboy Club," making the hourlong drama the first cancellation of the new fall season and a setback to the network's attempt to reclaim past glory.

The series, set in the 1960s with an eye toward "Mad Men" polish, had received criticism from Gloria Steinem and the Parents Television Council. It probably could have overcome those knocks if the viewers were there, but they weren't -- at least not in big enough numbers.

"Playboy Club" audiences had declined over its three showings to just 3.4 million viewers last night. Last night's CBS's "Hawaii Five-0," by comparison, drew 10.9 million total viewers. Over on Fox, "Terra Nova" got 8.3 million viewers and the return of "House" got 9.8 million.

Starting Oct. 31, NBC will fill the 10 p.m. Monday hour that had belonged to "Playboy" with its new prime-time news magazine "Rock Center with Brian Williams." NBC said Tuesday it was ordering full seasons of new comedies "Up All Night" and "Whitney."

There is reason a network executives never do this kind of thing the fall out that happens afterward.

No one is going to believe anything NBC says in the future. as part of the head line reads "Set Back NBC's Bid for Revival"

Maybe you can give NBC some more pointers on lying, and making a fool of themselves, by not keeping their word.

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson




Again you've failed to provide me with a link to any network executive before I made my post who would make such a statement, then again what should I expect from a liar who can't provide any facts.

What do you not get about after the fact?

Check the time when the of the cancellation announcement was made and the time of my post, and based on what you have written, no executive has done this until now, after the fact and now he'll have to deal with the fallout.

Maybe liars don't care about facts like they don't care about the truth or anything else. it's all a question of timing?

Liars share with those they deceive the desire not to be deceived. - Sissela Bok




Liars need to have good memories. - Algernon Sidney

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



Until you find me someone who has made such a statement "before" I posted my comment.

I'll just keep reminding you that one you failed to provide just one, and that you're a liar are not?

Liars need to have good memories.- Algernon Sidney

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



The last post you left to me on "Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles" that you were putting me on ignore.

I don't care if people go back on their word, it's a reflection on them not me now isn't it?

A degree of lying - you know, white lies - seems to be inherent in all languages and all forms of communication. A lie is still a lie is it not?

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



FOX canceled "Lone Star" after two episodes, and no announcement was made, the CW canceled "The Beautiful Life" after two episodes it aired that week and was canceled the same week. No announcement was made about saving just those two series, if you want me to write a book I can starting here with series that just get canceled without making an announcement the week before a month before etc.

When the CW canceled "Privileged" they pulled it and people thought they would air and repeat episodes in the summer. it was on the bubble it was canceled that year along with some other series that had come over from UPN.

I'm pretty sure when the actors and producers on the series have to learn they were canceled by reading it on Twitter, TMZ or any other new outlet, they weren't given notice. NBC canceled 'Kings' after a couple of episodes and without any word, one of the stars commented about NBC canceling "Kings" after two episodes, although since NBC had canceled a bunch of other series they burned off the remaining 8 episodes, although I believe they were preempted a few times.

The power of lying is much less than the power of what is not to be discussed. - Mason Cooley

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson



You keep posting and posting, jackass. You keep going back and editing your old posts. I just came here to laugh at you getting royally owned and it's been a blast.

And the more you try to deny it, the bigger jackass you'll become. Keep on dancing, dance forever. Get that stamina "victory" in, make that final post after everybody has gone away.

But will it take away people's ability to find the first page of this thread and see your shame? Nope.

Correct me if I'm wrong but all post have a time stamp regardless of any edits that take place afterwards. And I left my post before the announcement of the cancellation. So yes they'll be able to see the original time the post was made, and please show me where I changed the content of any of my post?

You asked for proof and you got it.

You on the other hand have provided nothing, except to show you're a liar.

If networks told the majority of their series they were going to be canceled there would not be threads on this site with posters wanting series to be wrapped up.

It's funny anytime you ask for something I give it to you, and i haven't edited my post to reflect anything I change the spelling, but the original time is always displayed above any edits.

You're troll and a clown just as you were on the other board you trolled over and left comments that had absolutely nothing to do with the series, and then you got busted and left and stated you were putting me on ignore and not to respond to you, yeah write a post telling someone not to respond, how stupid is that in the first place, if you don't want a response then don't leave a comment.

What idiot does that? a liar and a troll. You're just mad because every time we do this dance you end up looking like a foolish troll.

You wanted proof you got it, but offered none, which speaks volumes. The other poster got the past tense part, and left because he knew when I made the comment the series had not been canceled, and he couldn't find "ANY" network executive who had made these types of statements i"In The Past" as you yourself pointed out, there is one "NOW!" your words not mine.

Now equals the present tense does it not?

I will keep posting and asking you to find an executive who made statements like this at the time when I made my post. You haven't, but you have shown that you lie well.

I'll give you this you're great at deception. All deception in the course of life is indeed nothing else but a lie reduced to practice, and falsehood passing from words into things.

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson


all post have a time stamp regardless of any edits that take place afterwards. And I left my post before the announcement of the cancellation. So yes they'll be able to see the original time the post was made, and please show me where I changed the content of any of my post

but when i edit posts, he says that i lost the debate



I only change my misspelled words, nothing else has been changed. I'm pretty sure you trolled over here because I one ignore your PM to because I think you're an idiot, imstrange1.

Let me guess, no one is responding to your posts on the BnB site anymore, well except you and your multiple accounts that seem to have to communicate with each other to bump up your many threads on the breast sizes of the actors.

No doubt you've posted some links to one of the female actors on "The Bold and the Beautiful" over here and now you're going to delete the links

I also recognize your familiar "post' and then "delete" of anything you write. as everyone has always asked, why do you do you bother to post stuff only to go back to delete it later.

I'm pretty sure those comments that were posted and then deleted were yours.

I don't edit my post to change their content, and I never delete what I've written, and if I stated I was going to ignore someone I would keep my word.

How many people have put you on ignore now? because they know you're a troll.

“To live is to war with trolls.” - Henrik Ibsen

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson


I only change my misspelled words, nothing else has been changed.

i don't edit my post to change their content, and I never delete what I've written, and if I stated I was going to ignore someone I would keep my word

knightsentinel ( aka mysticman44 sock act ) hypocritical double standard existence = epic fail !!!!


You're the only person I know that has multiple accounts, and you're too stupid to even differentiate them. Everyone knows you're multiple handles and they're ignoring all of them imstrange1.

Now go and post a comment and then delete it. Start a new thread and post comment and conversations with your multiple accounts.

When should I expect tvbythenumbers and now your new handle CosmicLove55 you're not fooling anyone by change your multiple names BraylorX I imagine will be making an appearance here shortly as well. You're being deceptive as usual.

A hypocrite despises those whom he deceives, but has no respect for himself. He would make a dupe of himself too, if he could. - William Hazlitt

People are ignoring your multiple posts on the same topics on "The Bold and the Beautiful" so here you are trolling and following me over here.

“To live is to war with trolls.” - Henrik Ibsen

"Nothing tastes as good as the man I married. It's the sauce that does it." - Omaima Nelson


has multiple accounts, and you're too stupid to even differentiate them. Everyone knows you're multiple handles

post comment and conversations with your multiple accounts

you're not fooling anyone by change your multiple names

You're being deceptive as usual

talking to yourself, eh

knightsentinel ( aka mysticman44 sock act ) hypocritical double standard existence = epic fail !!!!


That would be you would it not?

Deceptive as usual.

"Life is the art of being well deceived; and in order that the deception may succeed it must be habitual and uninterrupted. - William Hazlitt


has multiple accounts, and you're too stupid to even differentiate them. Everyone knows you're multiple handles

post comment and conversations with your multiple accounts

you're not fooling anyone by change your multiple names

You're being deceptive as usual

talking to yourself, eh

knightsentinel ( aka mysticman44 sock act ) hypocritical double standard existence = epic fail !!!!


Just a sampling of your method of operation on IMDb one posting comments and then deleting them, multiple accounts where you converse with yourself hence the small sampling of following links you post too many to list them all.




"It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. - Abraham Lincoln

How does that work when you only talk to yourself in your posted threads exactly?





I did not leave because he convinced me of anything. Far from it. I left because I felt there was nothing else to say on the matter.

That and I spotted knight_sentinel going back and heavily editing some of his statements in an effort to defend his error.

What was the point of talking to him anymore? I could tell what was coming. Denial, denial, denial

but when i edit posts, he says that i lost the debate



Why oh why did i post this ..

only because I wanted to see the Bunnys get freaky and do some nudity then and only then i can gurantee this show will stay on air.

don't get all confused and start comparing this show with others.


OK, I didn't read all 100 comments before writing this. There's one reason this show didn't make it; yes, it was set up to fail. It's target audience is all watching monday night football. And that wasn't going to change. They knew it when they put it in at 10 pm on a monday night slot.
It was set up to fail. Who made the decision, we'll probably never know. But it's surely someone who doesn't want this type of show on TV.



I'm thinking Cinemax @ 10 on Fridays would've been nice.
