MovieChat Forums > The Playboy Club (2011) Discussion > Why this show failed, Yes Mad Men is inv...

Why this show failed, Yes Mad Men is involved.

Even before this show aired, people were calling it a Mad Men ripoff. While I tend to agree, I don't think that's necessarily why it failed. After all, if you're going to steal, steal from the best. The problem was that it was such a bad ripoff which never even tried to hide it (and if it did, then the writers are even worse than I thought). It's almost like they wanted people to know this was a Mad Men ripoff. Why else hire Naturi Naughton to play almost the exact same role as she had in Mad Men? In other words, the writing was lazy and predictable and was counting on the audience to just go with it without offering anything really new.

There is one particular bit of dialog during the pilot that I noticed that absolutely defined the problem. Amber Heard's character had asked Naturi Naughton's character what people said about Eddie Cibrian and Naughton answered: "That he's brilliant, that he's a fool, that he's a womanizer, that he's everything you could want, and everything you don't." Well, even before Mad Men ever aired, that line would have sounded incredibly cliche. The fact that it sounds like it was taken straight from the character description for Don Draper doesn't help, but that's OK, let's say the two characters were similar. The problem is that in Mad Men, you knew all this about Don Draper by the end of the Pilot without anyone every actually having to say it. The writers in Mad Men didn't have to tell you this about Draper because they'd done a good job of showing you what he was like. All the strngths, weaknesses, contradictions and secrets (with one major exception) were laid out for you in the pilot of that show. The fact that this line was written out and spoken in the Playboy Club was just weak. I literally cringed when I heard this and immediately knew this show was not long for this world.

I'm so ugly...that's ok 'cause so are you.


I've watched Mad Men since day one, several times over even and I fail to see the similarities between these two shows other than the obvious time period of course.

I'm so sick of your types of posts This show did not fail because they were trying to be a "Mad Men rip off". It failed because shows like this do not work on network television. If Mad Men were to have premiered on NBC in 2007 I can assure you it wouldn't have gotten more than 13 episodes....ever.


Too bad that The Playboy Club didn't air on AMC or FX, the show would still be on the air and they've been able to be a bit more risque then NBC allowed them to be.


No The Playboy Club failed because of people like the OP who would never shut the hell up with their constant "It's a ripoff of Mad Men, therefore it automatically sucks" BS. This tired old tune been going on for so long that many people, even critics panned Playboy Club before it even aired solely because of that crap. Cause we all know the characteristics the OP mentioned only came into film and TV through Mad Men... oh wait, no it didn't! Apparently millions of people have forgotten that the characteristics brought up can be found in truck loads of films and TV shows that's set in the 1940s - 60s including ones actually made in that time period. Ever seen a Humphrey Bogart film? Obviously Bogart and his collaborators ripped off Mad Men well over half a century before the series even came into existence.

Madame and Maniac are right. If Playboy Club had been on the cable network it would still be on the air and if Mad Men was on network TV it wouldn't have gotten more than 13 episodes. Have you seen Mad Men's ratings? The best they ever gotten was 3 and a half million viewers and that's the very recent season debut. Which also happens to be about the same as the Playboy Club's absolute worse episode rating.

TV audiences today are very lazy. Have you seen what's making the top most watched shows these days? It's either going to be a sports event, reality crap or a repetitive crime drama. Audiences who would actually invest in a show with ongoing story and character arcs beyond two episodes seem to be in the minority now.

RIP AJ Cook's career. Her career dies everytime she's on the sh#t known as Criminal Minds.


Maybe it was a ripoff of mad men or not, it is typical that when something is a success the idiots running the studios decide to try & cash in. Med Men, Playboy Club, that stewardess show, all period piece TV shows. Yes, the OP has a point sort of.

That, & there was no nudity. Its playboy. They should have made an unsensored version to air on HBO/SHO or on BR/DVD.


The Playboy Club was a great show. Nothing like Mad Men at all except for the time period that it was taking place in. The reason it failed was talk that it was like/rip off of Mad Men and that it was anti-woman which is total wrong! This show was so captivating and mysterious and fun to watch. They should have let it find it's audience!


This show takes place in a club where girls dress up in sexy bunny suits. I dont see any of that in Mad Men.


Well, you obviously didn't see the episode of Mad Men when Lane Pryce went to an actual Playboy club and met with Naturi Naughton dressed as a bunny just like she was on this show.

I'm so ugly...that's ok 'cause so are you.


This show and Lipstick Jungle seemed better suited for cable or pay channels where they can be more risqué. Both shows had promise but were wasted on NBC.



I agree with what everyone has said. At first, I thought that people were being too critical saying "The Playboy Club" was like "Mad Men," but I can honestly see why, and this coming from someone who hasn't even watched the full three episodes of the show before it was canned by the lovely network known as NBC...

I have watched previews and saw the promos, and it's quite obvious Eddie Cibrian's Nick Dalton was a knock-off Don Draper. Even Amber Heard's Maureen looked a bit like Betty from "Mad Men."

Madame, Maniac and conan are all correct. People nowadays don't want to invest time in a show with an ongoing narrative arc. Also, "Mad Men" would've been canned the first season had it aired on NBC back in 2007, and "The Playboy Club" would've lasted a bit longer on HBO like 2-3 seasons, but I don't really see it lasting as long as "Mad Men." The writers and producers were stupid to think they could even TOUCH "Mad Men's" success. "Mad Men" is the best retro period drama I have watched in a long time, and this coming from someone who still stans the heck out of "American Dreams." "Mad Men" is in a league of it's own.

Don't get me wrong. I actually thought the crime angle looked pretty interesting. I'm sure the actors in "The Playboy Club" did a decent job with what they were given, but their characters were clichéd to the highest degree. The new naïve girl, the washed-up mother bunny who realizes her younger years were a waste, the token black girl, the one who's husband doesn't want her working there, the handsome guy every girl wants to sleep with, etc.

Like "American Dreams," the idea was good, but the execution was poor, but with "The Playboy Club," the idea was poor and the execution was poor.
