I enjoyed season 7 so far even though all the family drama stuff was a little over the top. But what kind of annoys me in this season is this obvious agenda to try to portray russians as the masterminds of all evil which also aligns with this notion american msm seems to have that russians are behind all the woes in America. This show is one more step towards making Americans the laughing stock of the world as they seem to be blind to obvious zionist and MIC interests in the recent bombing of Syria and instead would rather keep talking about the evil 300IQ russians.
I know this is just a show for entertainment and not really trying to educate people on politics, but I was still expecting a little bit more. I guess it's just easier to go with the flow and keep doing the evil russians bit than show the actual players pulling the strings. Too bad this show has such a cultural influence on westerners that many will actually buy this idea that the evil soviets ate their homework.
Kind of interesting how you seem to have to find some way
to inject Israel into this board, and you cannot be honest
enough to even identify them as Israel, you must play the
dreaded ZIONIST card. So you leverage something that
did happen, i.e. the Russian interference in the US election.
into a fictional Zionist conspiracy, and throw in the humiliation
factor questioning the pride of Americans - that is total
fiction. Curious, what is the origin of such hate?
It goes along with your racist comments in some of your
other replies? You neo-Nazis are so much more careful
to not be so overt now ... it must take lots of effort.
Your reading comprehension needs some improvement.
It is not disagreeing with me that is the problem. I have
good conversations with people I disagree with all the time.
It is cues such as the use of the word zionist and the statement
that the zionists are the actual players pulling the strings
that is the tipoff.
If there is any group in the world right now that is pulling
strings and anything else they can it is the radical Muslims.
Israel is just doing what it can to defend against them, as the
rest of the world is learning it has to do too.
Go ahead disagree with me, that's fine, but don't give me
nutty theories about Zionists running the world.
MIC is short for military industrial complex. Do you even know the difference between a zionist and an israelite? I seriously doubt it. I am yet to see any evidence of the Russian government interfering with the election depending on how autist you want to go with the word "interfere". Podesta's emails weren't forged by the evil soviets.
Maybe I would feel more inclined to educate you if you wouldn't go ahead and call me a racist or neo-nazi out of thin air just because I don't buy into your russianphobia. Lunatics like you are why Trump had to win.
One thing we can agree one is that the interference of Russia in the 2016 election has not been proven yet by anyone. I don't rule it out, and there are other precedents for this such as interference in Ukraine, but I do not accept absolutely that it was the Russians. But that does not mean you can wave your hands and claim it was the Jews.
Do not use an acronym unless you define it first. It's lazy.
You are also wrong that you are educating me merely by informing me of you own personal tendency to us the rare acronym MIC.
Then calling me a lunatic is also unwarranted. You just join the ranks of the nuts when you do that and any normal person can see that. Calling it "my Russianphobia" which by the way the word is "Russophobia"
Your anti-semitic terms of art are of no interest to me.
Trump won for many reasons, most of which are the insinuation of money and the changing of districts and rules of the elections by the very elite they pretend they are against.
Honestly, you know a little, but you are not broadly enough informed to have a strong opinion, especially not broadly informed enough to insult others about your shallow thoughts. You should be reading, and watching a lot more sources of information probably for years before you qualify for that.
When did I claim jews interfered in the election. Stop replying to me with your 10 IQ strawmen and be real for a second. All I said is that there is a clear cut case to be made against zionists and MIC agents in US policy and if this show had the balls to talk about the real problems they would be talking about that instead of the ussr boogeyman. Are you denying the MIC has vested interests in growing their business? Are you denying zionists have interests in what happens to the countries bordering them? Are you denying zionist lobbies like AIPAC are real?
If you don't deny any of these things and since you already admitted that there's no evidence of Russian interference, then congratulations, it seems you agree with me. You're just blinded because I used the word zionist and you think it's ok to call me a nazist-racist-filltheblank.