MovieChat Forums > Homeland (2011) Discussion > So much going so wrong on this show now ...

So much going so wrong on this show now ...

I've been a big fan of this show for years ... but what is happening this season is so out of control and seemingly unthought out, at least for the level of realism and intelligence we are used to on this show, is really making me not want to watch it completely fall apart and bite the dust.


And how many threads complaining about this show are you going to open?

Just stop watching if it's that bad.


I've never understood how and why when people stop liking a show they don't stop watching. I haven't watched Supernatural since season eight because I'm so tired of the same thing happening each season. So I stopped. I haven't watched soaps for a while since most of them recycle writers and story lines.


Yeah, I can relate with Supernatural - at some point I just couldn't care about anything that happened there anymore.


I always knew what was going to happen in terms of the course of the story in a sort of rinse/repeat thing.


You are much wiser than me Obi Wan re: Supernatural! I’ve watched *every* episode since it first aired in 2005. The last four seasons have become so discombobulated and banal I myself wonder why it’s still part of my viewing schedule. Maybe I’m a glutton for punishment! But, I do feel it definitely has withered on the vine with the regurgitation of the same old plots (can’t make sense of them), therefore we may soon see the demise of a show hanging on by its fingernails. I can hear the sound of the death knell....


I think it's just that I got tired of the same story told over and over again. Like I said that's the same reason I quit watching soap operas. Same old story told a billion times over again.


I loved the first 3 seasons, reluctantly got drawn back in again mostly due to Quinn, and lost interest when they faux killed him off. I know they really killed him off in the next season, and probably there was some good acting to be had on the part of Rupert Friend in that season, but, meh, I was out.

Sorry it's so disappointing for you now, as you've enjoyed it and hung in there longer than I.


I agree, I loved the first 3 seasons, with Brody.. That was great character development at its finest. I remember when we first saw Brody in his garage, kneeling to pray in Arabic. It was an intense scene. And the dysfunction with his wife was compelling. Now, after theres no more Quinn too, I am feeling bored and lost as to what the story really is..I have no feeling for anyone in the show. Carrie is faltering again with her bi polar, and Saul is always taken hostage lol


Still has Claire in it, and she is why I watch it.
