Carrie is ready to work directly for the President and has saved her life, etc, etc. Would she really have any trouble getting her kid back in a second? 1 call from the White House and Carrie's headache is over with CPS.

Not like she beat the kid. A lot of agents and such will have kids that are at risk because of their jobs.


Frannie being taken away didn't happen because of Carrie's work, it was because it would offset her. Keep her busy with something else other than her job. Notice that Keane didn't call anyone. One might have thought that with her being inaugurated Keane would have thanked Carrie by making that phone call. But it's not about making a phone call, it's still about keeping Carrie in crisis mode so she doesn't actually "see" what is going on.


I just had replied to my own message but it didn't post. I wrote that I had posted this thread with 5 minutes left in the show on my DVR. Wow did things change in 5 minutes. Now it makes sense why CPS still has her kid. Guess I should have waited until the show was over to post.

First Dar was using her kid against her and now it's the President. Nice post BTW. It's looking like Quinn and Carrie might have made a mistake saving her.


Five minutes with this show can mean a lifetime. Look at season three with Brody. I actually hoped he might be saved. I sort of thought something was going to happen to Quinn though when he was photographed in the car garage. When he pulled out and looked both ways with no chance but to ramrod his way out, I thought when the bullets started flying there was only so long that car could withstand that fusillade. I just didn't think he'd go down that like. And yes, if only Quinn's instincts told him about Keane's intentions, or lack thereof.

The one I'm really afraid for is Saul. What a bitchy thing to do on Keane's behalf to make Carrie lie for her. And I'm not entirely sure it was Dar who had Frannie taken.


but Dar and the case worker lady were on the phone right after carrie first met with the case worker


Yeah, but my bet is it now someone else keeping Frannie away from Carrie.


Now the president gets to hold Franny over Carries head so she can control her... Very Keene of Keane


So it looks like Dar may have been right... wow. I can't wait to see how Season 7 unfolds.
