Real Truth is like equivalent to Donald Trump supporters and/or Putin bots while the president elect is if Hillary became president elect #NotMyPresident. Scary how truth can be changed so easily and how it easily sways elections or peoples mind by playing the mind game. So easy for bloggers and other random blogs or small news teams to conjure up articles of anything but harder to fact check cause its their word against the establishment/elite/those in power. People seem to stray to those small folks but then they themselves could be the perpetrator in spreading false news as well. I can't blame the folks who are easily fooled though since the government have many times lost the trust of the people and now its affecting those in power.
CIA had there hands in these types of things on many countries to create subversion, install puppet leaders, and the likes. I find it strange that Wikileaks and other whistle blowers only leak US spy methods and no other country as if trying to say they don't do it to that extent or are as bad but we clearly know that isn't true. Sure US has more funds for their programs but China and Russia have pretty leet hackers as well.
Bah, I guess the truth will be harder to see in the end with all this disinformation flying around and both sides thinking they're right. Guess we'll see if Flynn has anything substantial to offer for his so-called immunity.
All I can say is, history is made by those who hold the knowledge/information and can use it to their end to change whatever the outcome to fit the needs of their goals and the mindless mob will follow if it fits the mobs agenda, hate, or whatever it is that drives them to rage.