Dar... s6e5

I'm thinking he somehow had his dirty little hands in this...

The investigation to point fingers was dumb in the sense they only saw the kid drive off with the van before it blew up via CCTV. There was no further backtracking in the investigation on how the bomb got in the truck in the first place.

Carrier screaming "That's my daughter!" while doing nothing but wriggling of her arms. The police chief literally let her go telling her to calm down but not stopping her. She could've just ran up to the door to get Quinn's attention or something. Also the SWAT entry was even more stupid with no flashbangs/smoke or clear cover. Yeah, I know there is a kid in there but c'mon the planning they did was too dumb without properly scouting the place before entry.



It's a brand new site.. I think it'll eventually, slowly, get improved. It's already improved since the first time I came over here a week ago.

I think without question Dar is behind this. They had someone spying on Carrie from across the street (Dar was already shown spying on Carrie), and that same guy is the one that planted the bomb.

Now he gets a more submissive president elect because she can't trust Carrie. It's actually a perfect plan by Dar. It was done in, apparently, a slow part of the city (if such a place exists), where casualties would be limited. But still in NY so it would get massive attention obviously.


And he's always thought of the greater good more than what's 100% right. Wasn't he seen negotiating with the terrorist that held Saul hostage?
