MovieChat Forums > While We're Young (2015) Discussion > WOULD HAVE TO BE BETTER TO BE GARBAGE


My opinions: This reel of stinky horse manure is an indulgent, ridiculous, unfunny, waste of precious time. Stiller and Watts should be ashamed to be seen in public after being in this load of dog sh t. I asked for and received a refund; the theater manager admitting we topped a very long list of people getting refunds for also making the mistake of thinking that Watts wouldn't be in such a inane crap.

Think twice or thrice before wasting your time and money.

The movie is garbage. And that's an insult to garbage.


I might not go that far, but it was a rather large disappointment for us. And as far as laughs go, a smile here and there, but nothing creative enough to warrant big laughs.


couldn't agree more. this is an american dude trying to be truffaut. bla.


If you didn't like it, that doesn't mean other people won't.

I liked it, is it a must watch?

But it's a nice film, that shows an interesting perspective.


I love it. I really2 love this movie. I watched without any expectation at all, and surprised by how good this is.

The idea of this movie is so subtle, that you really need to use more brain to be able to appreciate it.

And this is the first time that I begin to like Ben Stiller. I dont generally like his movies, but this one impresses me.


Thank you!!!!! Amazingly this is the first movie where I have come on IMDb and ppl aren't completely bashing the movie.. But in my opinion I thought this movie was such a waste. Coming onto these message boards made me feel like i did when I watched this movie- like everyone in the room was on a drug that I didn't get a dose of and I needed to be on it to comprehend why anyone would appreciate this movie.
This is the first post here I could relate with. I am calling redox and demanding a refund as well this isn't even worth $1.50!
