MovieChat Forums > While We're Young (2015) Discussion > Did Ben Stiller's character have some ki...

Did Ben Stiller's character have some kind of personality disorder?

I'm asking because the character is remarkably similar to someone I know: never finishes anything, uses an unfinished project as an excuse to not do anything, can't work with other people (ever), really resentful/hostile towards more successful people who want to help him, etc. Are these traits of people with narcissistic personality disorder, or does it signal something else?


Well in a real sense most of us have some degree of "personality disorder" if we consider only " perfect" people as having no personality issues at all. I think what is depicted here is relatively common, all of us have probably known someone like that character.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


yeah, I should have clarified: I think there's a thousand ways to be messy without a disorder being involved, I just wasn't sure if the author/director's intent was to communicate one.

Whenever people can't finish things, I tend to assume that it points to fear of death.


mm this crossed my mind as well. *but* if you think about it he actually has real reasons to feel like he does, right? i mean, regarding the narcissistic part. jamie *was* actually plotting him, right? so if it is real, it's not just a problem in his head, i guess.

books, records, films - these things matter.


Let me know if you figure it out, I think I have the same thing! ;-)
