Tension in this movie

I do think that one of the truisms of life is that the people who do things step on people.
Josh was able to be exploited by Jamie, and Jaime exploited everyone, but that is how
the world works. Look at Josh's father in law, he was an interesting character, he was
honestly trying to help Josh it seemed like to me, but Josh rejected his version of success,
though I am not sure why. I assume, that Josh has some idea of what he wanted his doc
to be about, but that was outside the scope of the movie, so we never find that out, he
just looks clueless about his own work. That is kind of a weakness in the movie. The
father in law was successful, and was lucky in the sense that he did not have to step
on too many people. I don't think Josh felt he could finesse that, or was just clueless
about what to do, thought he had apparently made on documentary that was succeessful.

When we abstract success into money is depersonalizes that because you never know where
the money came from of what it stands for. We used to say Capitalism allows people to
vote with their dollars, but capitalism is not democracy and you really do not know what
you are voting for. It's kind of scary when you think about how much money in the world
has come into existence around crime in one way or another. They say every great fortune
has behind it a great crime. i tend to believe that.

Are any movies really true? I doubt it. I think most documentaries, even the ones that try
to be true simply cannot because truth is so all encompassing. You have to settle for trying
to make people feel something, and what control do you have over that, AND, who would
go to see a movie if you thought someone else could in a sense program you with the
truth, as opposed to making you feel a certain way and decide for yourself what those
feelings mean?
