The only show I ever downloaded I bought legally through iTunes.
I ride an eighties racing bike (it has gears).
I don't own a house.
I don't have kids.
I don't want kids. (Although I like them and spend a lot of time with two friends and their kids where the father is missing)
I buy organic.
I'm still trying to "make it" as an artist.
I have never understood most people's ideas of getting older. When I'm 70 I'll still be interested in what the young kids are up to. Maybe I'll buy a hover board when they become all the rage.
If I may give you some well-intended advice. Perhaps your goal shouldn't be to grow old "disgracefully" but to accept and embrace the age you are within each and every moment of your life.
I don't want to put words in your mouth, but why would anyone want to still be a "kid" whenever they're 70? It's one thing if all you want to do at that age is be interested in what they're up to, but if you're still wanting to be one of them...then that's an alarming thing. For a physical example: no matter how well you have taken care of your body, your abilities (mental too) will me.
At forty, it hasn't hit you yet, but you will be coming upon a fundamental shift some day and it will most undoubtedly happen far sooner than you me again. I'm not suggesting that you should entirely give in to it, but at least listen to it. It's the voice of the wisdom that has stored up within you throughout your life. It will provide you a certain amount of protection if you'll heed it. The lure of experimentation and risk in youth is expected and forgiven, but within the older population it is most often if not always seen as foolish....again, trust me on this.
The wonderful thing I've found with aging is the wisdom I've gained through the clarity that only aging gives one. It's led to forgiveness and better choices. And, there's no room in any of that for disgrace.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply truetexian but I'm a little confused. What of anything I said is about experimentation and risk in a negative way? Okay maybe the hover board bit? I won't do it if I think it's dangerous. I don't skateboard now because I don't feel like breaking my leg every time I fall off. I'm not into risk just to feel alive. I don't drink or smoke , do drugs or even drink coffee. So in a strange way I'm probably more risk averse than most people. I never said I wanted to be young. I'm quite happy to be my age. But being into Grimes (current pop singer) doesn't mean I want to be 23. It just means I like her music. And when should I stop riding a bike? Or
I was commenting on what other people regard as "disgraceful" when I used that word. I don't think there's anything disgraceful about what I do now or will probably be doing when I'm 80.
But yeah I wasn't really asking for advice. It was more a comment on ideas of youth and old age and how I've found them strange and limiting.
I feel like so many people just give up on their lives at some point.
Oh and while I say I'll be interested in what the kids are up to that's because it's usually younger people who are still experimenting and trying new ways to make music etc. I don't mean to sound anti old people (i'm one really) there is much wisdom to be gained from them... and they make great art etc... Okay I'm rambling.
I didn't mean for what I said to come across so preachy, and yes I realize that you weren't seeking advice. I understand the message of your post more clearly now I think. Staying engaged and open to new experiences and ways of perception is never a bad thing. The negative flip-side to that sometimes though are those who fixate on youth and fail to grow old(er) with gracefulness. As time goes by they seem to continue chasing an ever increasingly elusive dream. Just don't decide to go jumping out of perfectly functioning airplanes like an older friend of mine has suddenly started taking up. I get that it's probably exhilarating, but I'll most likely never understand those who feel as if they have to experience something death-defying in order to feel more alive. A good run, jog, trot, or walk through the park on a clear crisp day can often get it done for me. :)
Most people seem the have the kids and buy the house because that's what they think their suppose to do without ever thinking if that's what they want to do.
i dont put an age to anything. doesn't matter what you listen to, eat, wear, ride, watch, think... it's not restricted to a decade of your life. if you didn't do something in your twenties cuz you were tied down with kids, do it in your thirties or forties. don't feel guilty about being age appropriate. it's *beep* why live in the constraints of what your society thinks is 'appropriate'? i don't really care what people think of me so i live with this attitude of not paying attention to how old i am.
use your wisdom though. as you get older pay attention to what you feel you want to do and what you feel you should do. don't do something because you are scared of getting older. don't not do something because you are older. i agree with people looking foolish if they act a certain way to try to seem younger. act being the operative word. if it comes organically to your senses then you won't look like a tool. there is nothing wrong with taking your wisdom, aging gracefully but still being 'young at heart' and aware of what you have always loved.