The Funny Scene with Joaquin, Josh, and Benecio at the Cop Station
I love that too-short scene at the police station where private eye Joaquin Phoenix's attorney, Benecio del Toro, arrives to "help" Joaquin with plain clothes llieutenant Josh Brolin.
The dialogue and line readings are great, especially del Toro's with his thick accent and somewhat dumb delivery:
del toro: Hey Sarge..what's up, Doc? So you know you have no case here. So if you're gonna charge him, you better bet 'em. Otherwise you gotta let him go.
Joaquin: You know who you're talking to here? That's Bigfoot Bjornsen, Renaiisance Cop.
del Toro: I know who he is. (Sits down, takes off sailor's cap.) So..what's the beef here, exactly?
Brolin: (Mumbling a bit, serious.) Well, it doesn't have to do much with your specialty, which is, I understand, Marine Law?
del Toro: We got plenty of crime on the high seas, lieutenant.
Brolin: Well, we got murder, kidnapping...we could work in pirates, if that would make you more comfortable. Otherwise, its still high profile.
del Toro: Yeah, but given your history of harassment of my client...this will never make it to trial.
Brolin: Y'know, I think we could probably take this all the way to trial, but with our luck, the jury pool would be probably 99%, you know....(with light disgust) ...hippies.
del Toro: Unless you change the venue to, like, maybe Orange County, not as many hippies down there...
Joaquin: Saunch, who you working for?
del Toro: Clients PAY me for work, Doc. Clients PAY me for work, Doc.
The performances make it even funnier than the lines -- del Toro plays it pretty "dumb but thinks he's smart," Brolin goes for deadpan mockery. Joaquin kinda gives the scene to the other two.
And then we get this:
Brolin: I"ve decided I'm going to kick Mr. Sportello. (Release Joaquin from custody.)
del Toro: You're gonna kick him? That's assault!