More than meets the eye

Recently watched it for the first time...

The feeling we're supposed to get is a stoner haze, as we see the film from Doc's perspective.... BUT... there is more going on... The MK Ultra stuff, brainwashed folks, etc... As well as the cointel pro stuff and convoluted drug operations...

Strange film... I left with a sense that the director was alluding to more that what I initially expected... There is something significant to the setting, the time period and the other goings on...

It doesn't work as well as There Will Be Blood or The Master... but i think there is more to the themes of the film, than the surface plot of a stoner detective trying to find his ex girlfriend and some real estate guy...


Indeed. Cults, psyops, infiltration, mob, drug trafficking, money laundering and so much more. Merely gives you a little glimpse of it all wanting to know more.


Definitely about MK Ultra, drugs, entertainment biz, real estate scams and human trafficking.

The name of his love…Shasta is reference to Mount Shasta. It is rumored to be a location of an MK programming site.

The “what’s up doc” is a trigger phrase. This means that Doc is part of the program just like Shasta. He was being trafficked through the whole film. His handler wasn’t just Bigfoot. His lawyer and the DA lover are other contenders.

There is a lot packed in this film.


Have you read the thread on page 2 containing all the MK Ultra stuff. It's the best thread on here by far.

I am going to bump it back up because it should be one of the first posts people see when coming here after watching. It's a shame the post is 7 years old and the author no longer posts


Thank you for bumping that thread.

Shasta was definitely an MK Ultra, acting as drug runner and prostitute. She was already controlled and allowed to be handled by Doc as a safe spot. Then she was activated and sent to Mickey Wolfman.


So do you think she died at some point in the film?

She doesn't feel alive and there are a few hints, like Wolfmans reaction to her name, that hitman wearing her necklace


I re-watched it and it is very ambiguous.

I lean towards no, because she has done nothing to warrant her being killed. She caved and gave up Wolfman to the Looney bin plan.

A well programmed MK asset is very rarely killed. Because people on that level are too valuable.

