MovieChat Forums > Zero Dark Thirty (2013) Discussion > This still bothers me about this film...

This still bothers me about this film...

Why does Dan go back to eating his ice cream after he let the monkey grab at it with its little feces covered monkey hands? I mean, eww, yuck?!

Bring back the old emoticons!


You probably never left the american continent, but water is very rare in africa, but it's still enogh for waterboarding. Disgusting, what?


All I can tell you is that some people are surprisingly unafraid of germs.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


Yeah, but I mean it. Spent 3 times for holiday in egypt, 1st time in Sharm El Sheik were a bomb detonated on the new market about 30 days after we flew home , and 2 times in Hurghada, and I can tell you it's normal - water gets used really spare in this country. Germs are rather the unimportant problems compared to the poverty in such countries.

"Well its a dirty job but someones gotta do it."


The monkey grabbed it and kept it, so what you talking about?


Before that one of the monkeys scooped a little bit of ice cream off with his hand, it was after that that one of them grabbed the whole thing.


I agree.


Well at least he didn't took a bite from the same side the monkey touched.


maybe the monkey thinking the same about eating an ice cream from a 'dirty' human. Monkeys got standards, well some of them do, not those Rock of Gibraltar apes, they flipping animals.
