Did they really go to Area 51?
Just wondering..if the saw UFOs and stuff
Area 51 is not part of Nellis, its part of Edwards.
You're taking a dump and they call GQ do you pinch it off or finish your business?
Dubyah will probably know more however Area 51 however just like says on Wiki:
The base's current primary purpose is publicly unknown; however, based on historical evidence, it most likely supports development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems.
Like I just said Lockheed Martin's Skunk Works at Area 51 conduct "development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons systems" and is responsible for a number of famous aircraft designs, including the U-2, the SR-71 Blackbird, the F-117 Nighthawk, and the F-22 Raptor.
Back to the MH-60 "stealth" Blackhawk were only 2 ever built or are engineers still trying to perfect it even more with a lower noise and heat signature, a decrease in radar cross section and less weight overall while trying to increase its range, speed, payload, armour (ability to take small arms fire) and possible more firepower like a MH-60L DAP? Well maybe not that extreme ?
Quite possibly and this is the cynic in me but that these are now operational in the 160th SOAR for use in Black Operations... However they are not stored at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
Off topic I like in the 1950s and 60s what personnel did in Area 51 in order to deceive Soviet satellites going overhead. The CIA/DoD knew exactly when a Soviet satellite would be over Area 51.
As a plane sat in the hot desert, its shadow would create a relatively cool silhouette, visible in infrared even after the plane had been moved inside.
So to thwart the infrared satellites, Area 51 crews began constructing fanciful fake planes out of cardboard and other mundane materials, to cast misleading shadows for the Soviets to ponder. (Not intended to be seen, the decoys themselves were scooted out of sight before satellite flyovers.) Sometimes staff even fired up heaters near imaginary engine locations to make it look as if planes had just landed.
http://news.nationalgeographic.com.au/news/2011/05/110520-area-51-secr et-hid-craft-base-declassified-a-12-plane/
If you are not willing to give up everything, you have already lost
yes they really went to area 51, yes there were really only 2 stealth blackhawks at the time, yes they used them in the raid and yea, there are a lot more of them now