It seems like everyone has forgotten...

...pirates are rapists and murderers.


"In the first movie and (to a lesser extent) the first two sequels, is that the film was essentially Elizabeth’s journey. She is the first character we meet onscreen, and the trilogy’s overreaching arc is that of Keira Knightley’s protagonist, a governor’s daughter born into privilege, who wants to be a pirate but then realizes up close that an actual pirate’s life is filled with moral compromises and terrible consequences."

Yo ho! Yo ho! A pirate's life for meeee.


Black Sails says 'hi'.


Its a disney movie, they forget anything thats not convienient.


Jack Sparrow: "They can be be but it's not compulsory you know. They also steal stuff and throw back the rum quite frequently. Lots to do pirating, never boring." ;)
