Stanley Kubrick
I read somewhere that the making of "Kill List" was inspired by the works of Stanley Kubirck. Apart from the visuals and other technical aspects that seem to be proofs of this, I find that a particular feature film of Stanley Kubrick, "Eyes Wide Shut", seems to be the closest reference. It's intriguing that these two movies share major key points and some of them I notice are:
-both centers on a feuding married couple
-both have a main character that goes into a journey to something unknown
-both feature a cult/ secret society
-both explore the dark side of man's nature (Kill List: Violent Nature, Eyes Wide Shut: Sexual Nature)
-both have ambiguous endings
What do you think? are their other major key points of similarity?
"She was beaten in the end, but it wasn't a man, it wasn't a woman. It was the sea!"