I loved this movie...

...so much that I bought it on blu ray after seeing it on Netflix! Very well done, very imaginative, and completely misleading! I would definitely support a sequel if there was ever one made. And from what I understand, there is a sequel to the book, so there's promise! Hopefully the movie did well.


Great movie. Killer execution, wild ride. Don Coscarelli is one of the best directors working, in any genre. He does B horror so he gets little to no attention, but the truth is he kicks ass.


Enjoyed it alot, too. Gave it a 7.

Very much like Buckaroo Banzai in more than a few ways. I always thought, then, that Buckaroo would have made a hell of a sequel, too....but now, with a bit of age, I realize that it was a perfect moment in time. A sequel would have been less than the first, not greater. I think the same with this one. It would be hard to match the feeling of this one in the same way and possibly come close to the level of this one.

This, in my opinion, was a great flick! I'm glad I got to enjoy it!



Right up there with Odd Thomas, which is in my opinion one of the best movies this year.
