MovieChat Forums > John Dies at the End (2012) Discussion > What did you guys think of Chase William...

What did you guys think of Chase Williamson's performance?

I thought he was pretty good


He was stellar! He has great timing and a hell of an eyeball reaction to the weird shizzle that went down. I think they cast perfectly and my favorite lines from the entire movie are in the opening scene regarding the hammer. "Is it the same hammer?"


I thought he was great. Really blasé throughout the whole film, kinda nonchalent and... sarcastic? Great comedic timing too.


Chase... is that you...?

------------I'm like a little beaver... a HOT little beaver...


It was an axe/hatchet... Not being a dick lol just sayin..


He was awesome! One of the highlights of the film for me. With a bit of luck, he'll go far, really charismatic and talented.

__________________________ Last watched:


I really enjoyed this film. Thought he did a good job. Although, not having read the book, i cant say if he was spot on to the source material.. Im revising my opening comment, i loved this film. I enjoy the weird ones :)


i liked his performance, something of an overall 'i am going to struggle to stay cool no matter what' while at the same time constantly giving himself a reality check, part of him seeing the world he grew up with unravelling before his eyes, but at the same time, clinging to the image of normalcy.

Understatement in a way of being over the top, a nice bit of juxtaposition.


I agree, he was really good. Somehow he reminds me of Topher Grace, every time I see this movie. Something about the eyes. But, he has a better voice than Topher G, sort of bored and seen-it-all.

Who's... laughing... NOW?!? BZZZZZZ (hack hack spurt spurt) HA HA HAAA BZZZZZ HA HA HAAA


Yeah he did remind him of Topher too, although his performance in this movie wasn't as broad as Topher's usually is. Which is good, because he had to be subtle here.

The acting was excellent in this movie. Couldn't complain about the acting at all.


He was fine, and utterly gorgeous.


He was cook and cute in the film, which was crazy as all hell--it has to be seen to be believed.
