I liked this movie until I started getting preached to.
Thanks Pierce Brosnan for educating all of us that western corporations are to blame for all evil.
shareThanks Pierce Brosnan for educating all of us that western corporations are to blame for all evil.
shareYes corporations have only the good of the people in mind, as history has shown time and again.
shareCorporations employ millions of people throughout the world. They give them medical, dental, paid holidays, paid vacations, retirement plans and wages so they can live. Put down the Kool Aid.
shareAnd you're denying histories you know to be true.
shareDo you disagree about the medical benefits etc though?
shareWhat medical benefits? I don't receive any.
Are these the same benefits that cost a fraction in Canada, England and everywhere else?
They don't "cost a fraction" as you glibly put it. They pay a fraction. The cost is full freight which means somebody else is paying for the difference between what they pay and what they actually cost.
shareIf that were true, those governments would go bankrupt in a week. Wrong as usual.
shareSorry bro beans but thats not true. I live in scotland and pay zero. England have to pay £10 for a prescription. The reason we dont get raped in the old medical department is because we simply dont pay over the odds. We have time and again refused to buy any drug that we saw as being too much. See cancer drugs that extend life by 6 months etc.
The UK issues medical treatment on a case of need, not the ability to pay for it. And before anyone claims otherwise, our level of care is just as good as any other first world nation. Only we dont go bankrupt if we get sick. WE dont have to sell our homes if we get cancer. We dont have to worry that some dodgy healthcare insurer is going to try and not pay. In other words we have piece of mind that should we become ill, we wont get hit in the pocket at the same time.
Exactly right. The corporate capitalistic system we live in is far from perfect, but when you consider the alternatives, it doesn't seem so bad.
Liberals and socialism spouting youngsters these days are ignorant of history. They're brains are filled with mush.
How far back in history do you need to look to know that socialism/communism caused the misery of generations?
You don't have to go back at all. Look at modern day Venezuela, they are now having food riots. The socialism of Hugo Chavez has gutted the nation, and all the bright young minds are fleeing the country in droves.
Generations living in misery, that's the legacy.
Communism? Who the heck is talking about communism? You think that the only alternative to corporation abuse and exploitation of labor and the environment is communism?
shareWow, corporations are so altruistic. It seems they do nothing wrong.
shareStill doesn't justify the murder of innocents. It's not on the same level.
shareNo it doesn't, not the kids and wife anyway. But in the rebel's eyes all these westeners running around their country like if they owned werent' innocent. Specailly Owen Wilson's character as he was the face of the corporation that just took control of their water supply.
shareCorporations are not lining people up in the streets, on their knees, to drive with SUVs over them. It's not comparable, and it's definitely not a justification.
Globalisation has got its problems, but they are not equal to lynching people in the streets, and you can't put these problems of a flawed system in the shoes of individuals.
And you're only employed by the corporation as long as you provide value to them.
The moment you are no longer needed you get the tap on the shoulder.
Corporations are loyal to you as long as you help them churn out money. I know this because its one of the most common core values in a lot of companies... To make money and increase the corporation's value for the share holders and directors.
Corporations are profit-making business ventures. They're not charities or "free stuff from the government" entitlement programs.
shareYes. What do you think they should be doing? Remember when you answer to ask yourself "why would anyone do that"?
shareI didn't take it as preaching just as an explanation for their actions, because they have a reason to do what they did doesn't make it right.
Just like in Argo, the people who took the embassy had their good motives but its not ok to take innocent people as hostages because they don't agree with the American goverment.
Actually I think that was the only part with any worth from this movie (well some tension is well achieved too). At least it generated a bit of social commentary. Apart from that is only the typical american self-jerking crap that Hollywood is so fond of. Do americans have to be reminded how exceptional they are without any criticism whatsoever because your inflated egos get hurt or something? What a bunch of insecure pathetic losers.
This is not a signature!
You missed the point entirely. It wasn't just about corporations, it was about US foreign policy in general. They loan money for infrastructure projects that benefit a few rich people of that country. The debt incurred from that loan is impossible for the country to pay and so they have to settle for agreements that benefit US corporations such as selling their resources at a low price, privatize public services, allow a military base to be estabilished on their soil, colaborate with the US on diplomatic issues, things like that. In this case the country sold their water supply system to a US corporation.
There was a real life case very similar to the one presented in the film but it was in Bolivia. In 1999 Bolivia was in dept to the World Bank so they privatized a part of their water supply system to a subsidiary of Bechtel corporation and the price of the water in the country skyrocketed. There were massive riots all over the country until Bechtel decided to pull out
More details on this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVsB07CcSNw
Except that's not at all what happened in Bolivia. Or anywhere, for that matter.
The Bolivian economy had fallen apart a long ago, and was experiencing hyperinflation. The money a Bolivian earned one day would be worth half as much a week later. No economy can operate under such conditions, so the Bolivian government sought loans from the IMFs World Bank, which were granted.
The loans on their own were not enough to fix anything. The country required modernization and restructuring; simply throwing good money after bad would accomplish nothing. The water utilities were one area which required massive improvements; the old infrastructure had deteriorated and failed in many locations, so at the very least massive repairs were required, plus upgrades to bring the system in line with modern standards were also desirable. A consortium of companies - of which Bechtel was only one partner, and which included 4 local Bolivian companies - bid on the contract to repair, upgrade, and operate the water system. The Bolivian government granted them the contract because there really weren't any other options - nobody else wanted the job.
Once the consortium took over the infrastructure, they raised prices in order to pay for the much needed repairs and upgrades. People lost their minds that they were being asked to pay to fix their own water system, and started rioting. The two US and British companies said "screw this, not worth it" and left. The contract fell apart.
So - long story short - numerous companies, some large, some small, got together to try and fix the water system in a place that had neglected it for far too long. They raised prices in order to pay for it. And this is apparently "EEEEVIL Corporations Hurting Teh Little Guy".
This is why so many simpletons believe the "evil corporations" stories. They don't bother looking past the surface. After all, it's fun to listen to stories about good vs evil, and it's fun to have a boogyman to hate. And it takes work to actually stop and verify whether a story is true. So why bother, right?
So what, can't face the truth hey?
Not everything in movies is based on *beep*
There are good an bad on all sides of corporations.
There are many examples of corporations doing evil.
It is totally appropriate that we are reminded of this fact now and then.
It's no good trying to educate (not preach to) the American people on here. Half of them are about to go out and vote for Donald Trump - so that he can make America great again. Let's hope it's actually less than half, that are that stupid
shareWhat a waste of time is hearing the same old *beep* ethnocentrism = one of many causes for hatred around the world. The British Intelligence character(Brosnan) corrects Owen Wilsons' character, "AND OTHERS";"OUR Nations" have interests (as in multi-national corps.) Most comments here refer to American actions, corporations, etc.
I've happened into no fewer than three coups d'etat(and political revolutions) while traveling. Two in Thailand during 1970s (one involved open gunfire over my and others heads), both Thailand situations turned violent in minutes, lasting days/weeks with side note espoused hatred & anger at US's actions in SE Asia.
Comments here about corporate employees working overseas: Please speak from direct experience or shut the heck up. Arm chair supposition is dangerous.
While the film doesnt name country of incident beyond the Vietnamese border crossing, clearly references are Indochinese Peninsula.Recent 10/'16 death of King Bhumibol Adulyadej after a 70 year reign leaves a Thai Paradox.
I expect in the coming years America to repeat foreign images of "Ugly American" travel difficulties. Fortunately the majority of non American individuals are intelligent enough to separate individuals from national policy, global economics. Although having experienced these conflicts, I dread for the younger,temporary/first time abroad US peeps. Stay safe everyone and for crying out loud please tread lightly and RESPECT differences in world travel. Naivety/Ethnocentrism = Danger. Expect the unexpected, always.
You're missing the point. That speech served a story purpose - to explain motivations. Without it, people would scream that the revolutionaries had no reason to kill everyone and their depiction was racist. Furthermore it would provide no background on his character so when he dies instead of a redemption it would just seem like he was there for no reason as a deus ex machina.
See, this is what I've noticed about comments on this film - people are complaining about things that would be worse otherwise. Everyone is just determined to be dissatisfied no matter what.
His rant was more or less straight from the book, "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" which did pretty much EXACTLY as Brosnan's character explained.
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man is a partly autobiographical book written by John Perkins published in 2004. It provides Perkins' account of his career with engineering consulting firm Chas. T. Main in Boston. According to Perkins, his role at Main was to convince leaders of underdeveloped countries to accept substantial development loans for large construction and engineering projects that would primarily help the richest families and local elites, rather than the poor, while making sure that these projects were contracted to U.S. companies. Later these loans would give the U.S. political influence and access to natural resources for U.S. companies.[1]